Oracle Magazine Picture…

Eddie Awad posted his Oracle magazine picture on his blog, so I thought I’d have a look for mine…

The photographer sent me some rought drafts of the shots he was going to send forward and one struck me as being the worst of the pile by a long shot. Guess which one they used? 🙂

Now I’m no oil painting, but this shot is really bad! I’m squinting so badly my eyes look like they’ve been transplanted from a 70 year old. My shirt is billowing out in the wind, making me look like I’m about 50 lbs heavier than I am, and the angle makes me look like I have some sort of tumour on the right side of my jaw. It’s nasty!

On the plus side, I’m normally deathly pale, but in this shot they’ve made me look like I’ve got some colour in my skin. Amazing what you can do with photoshop!

Please try to avoid this picture and think of me as looking like Brad Pitt! I’m so vain it’s unbelievable… 🙂



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