
I’m sending a public information announcement out to the world…

Don’t buy Spore unless you want to lose several days of your life stuck in front of the computer. It’s the most infuriatingly addictive game I’ve ever played! You start life as a primative organism and gradually evolve into bigger creatures, then tribes, then civilizations, then move into space. It’s crazy addictive. 🙂

The day I bought Spore I started playing at about 10:30 AM. The first time I checked my clock it was 04:30 AM the next day. I hadn’t eaten, left the house, anything… I vowed not to play it again, but I’ve spent a few days more on it since then. I’ve gone cold turkey now because I’ve got to get stuff ready for OpenWorld, but I know I’m just one mouse click away from losing another 24 hours… 🙂



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