Random stuff…

After a few days off with an annoying cold, I’m back in action. I’ve got a Karate course this weekend and I’m not really feeling up for it, but I have to go or I’m not allowed to go to any others for the rest of the year. If you miss selection the year is totaled! 🙁 I’m going to use the wonder drug that is Lemsip to get me through it. 🙂

I added SnapShots to my blog and my aggregator. I like having the preview, rather than having to click on every link to see what it’s pointing to. They are configurable so if they annoy you you can switch them off. I guess most people read this blog via the RSS feed, so it won’t make a difference anyway.

I’ve been messing about with loads of Web 2.0 stuff recently, but today I’ve actually done some tidying up. I closed my StumbleUpon and MySpace accounts. I’ve not used StumbleUpon for ages and now it’s grown into another social network site it seemed pointless keeping it. I’ve never used my MySpace account, so closing it is no big deal.



StumbleUpon and Fedora 7…

Is SumbleUpon really worth $75 million?

I suppose the answer to that is yes, since eBay have just bought them for that figure. StumbleUpon claim 23 million regular users, of which I’m one, but if most of the other users are like me, they just click on a single toolbar button when they get bored. I can’t remember the last time, if ever, I did anything other than hit the “Stumble!” button. I don’t even rate pages I visit. Are 23 million users like me really worth that much money? The words “Boom” and “Bust” spring to mind!

Does anyone want to buy a blog that is visible to all internet users worldwide (even though they don’t actually read it) for several million pounds?

By the way, Fedora (don’t call it Core) 7 is now available.



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