Mike Carey: Vicious Circle…

The second in the Felix Castor series by Mike Carey. In Vicious Circle, Felix has to save the ghost of a girl from getting killed (sort of). File under supernatural detective with similarities to The Dresden Files. Pretty cool if you are into this sort of thing, like I am, but not for everyone.

My favorite character has to be Juliette, the succubus. To paraphrase one of her comments regarding attempting to use her abilities on some people suffering from demonic possession, “They should have only been capable of spontaneous orgasm.” It seems demonic possession gets in the way of your average succubus innocently going about their business… 🙂

Second favorite character has got to be Nikki, a zombie conspiracy theorist. It’s good to know that Zombies care about their appearance too. Nikki tries to prevent his corpse decaying by using industrial air conditioning and avoiding bacterial contamination as much as possible. Nikki is rather surprised by his physical reaction to Juliette, which should be impossible for a zombie as their congealed blood does not flow. I’ll leave it up to you to guess what happened to him. 🙂



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