VMware Server 2.0…

I’ve just taken the first tentative steps into the world of VMware Server 2.0. I had read some blogs posts about people experiencing issues and reverting to the previous version, but so far so good. I’ve installed it on my laptop and upgraded the VMware Tools on VMs and it all seems to be behaving so far.

Running previous VMware Server versions on Vista had one big drawback. The first VM to start after a reboot caused the whole laptop to hang for 5-10 minutes. Version 2.0 seems to have solved this problem. No hangs and the VMs seem to start pretty fast.

Version 2.0 also includes support for RHEL5 and its clones.

When I get back home I’ll have to give it a try on my main machine and see how RAC installations cope.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

6 thoughts on “VMware Server 2.0…”

  1. Not so good for me.
    I have a shiny new 64 bit HP desktop with Vista professional (quad core -6GB ram). According to VMware website, Ver 2.0 needs to be installed on a Server OS (e.g. Windows server 2003), and their list excludes Vista in all forms – am I reading this right?
    I tried installing 2.0 anyway and the post installation restart crashed Vista.
    I’ve also tried installing versions 1.04 – 1.06 but what results is a console that does not have local host, just remote. I did apply settings changes to disable the requirements for signed certificates (I think) although I still get messages.

    Do I have to go back to XP to get VMware Server working fully with this machine?

  2. Hi.

    I’ve not tried 64-bit vista as a host. I use 32-bit Vista on my laptop and 64-bit CentOS 5 on my main machine (quad core 8G ram). No problems on either.

    I guess it doesn’t sit well on 64-bit Vista then. Good to know, but not helpful for you. 🙁

    I’ve heard 64-bit XP is a bit of a pig. Not sure I would downgrade to that.

    Does VirtualBox work for you?



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