Jet-Lag Blues…

It’s 4:10 AM and I’m still wide away. 🙁

I got back to the UK on Saturday morning and I’m still messed up. I’ve been at work every day and I’ve been going to the gym but I just can’t seem to kick back into gear. I didn’t sleep at all Sunday night to Monday morning, so my first day back at work was preceded by zero sleep. I had a bit of broken sleep on the following two nights, but tonight I’ve got nothing, so it’s going to get real ugly tomorrow (today really I guess)…

I think maybe a visit to the doctors to get my flu jab and some sleeping pills may be in order… 🙁



Update: Whilst in the states I bought some “cold & flu” medication. It came with daytime and nighttime pills. On Thursday night I took some of the nighttime pills for the first time and they put me into a coma for 7 hours until my alarm woke me. Last night I did the same and I slept for 10 hours straight. I’m hoping I’m now sorted. 🙂

Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

7 thoughts on “Jet-Lag Blues…”

  1. I don’t know how you do it without help (sleeping pills). Man, it was only a 3 hour swing for me and I was all kinds of messed up.

  2. Damn, that sucks…

    I flew home on saturday afternoon and came home on sunday afternoon.
    Haven’t slept on the plane and went to sleep at 8.30pm after being awake for 28 hours. Slept until 8.30am monday morning.
    After that, everything went well, no jetlag, slept all night the following nights.

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