Jet-Lag Blues…

It’s 4:10 AM and I’m still wide away. 🙁

I got back to the UK on Saturday morning and I’m still messed up. I’ve been at work every day and I’ve been going to the gym but I just can’t seem to kick back into gear. I didn’t sleep at all Sunday night to Monday morning, so my first day back at work was preceded by zero sleep. I had a bit of broken sleep on the following two nights, but tonight I’ve got nothing, so it’s going to get real ugly tomorrow (today really I guess)…

I think maybe a visit to the doctors to get my flu jab and some sleeping pills may be in order… 🙁



Update: Whilst in the states I bought some “cold & flu” medication. It came with daytime and nighttime pills. On Thursday night I took some of the nighttime pills for the first time and they put me into a coma for 7 hours until my alarm woke me. Last night I did the same and I slept for 10 hours straight. I’m hoping I’m now sorted. 🙂

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