Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) 22.1 : Article Updates

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the big changes that have come with version 22.1 of ORDS (here). I mentioned that the changes meant I had to revisit a bunch of my content. I think that process is done now.

As I predicted, there are three new articles so far. I mentioned the first of these in my last post.

These had changed so much is made sense to do them as new articles, rather than trying to cope the “pre-22.1” and “22.1 onward” approaches in one article.

Since the changes are in the configuration, rather than feature usage, most of the other articles needed less work. Typically just references about how to enable/disable features. I’ve worked through all the articles now and I think I’ve sorted everything. I’m sure over time I’ll spot other things I want to add or edit. 🙂 Here’s a link to all the ORDS articles on my website.

ORDS : All Articles



Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) 22.1 : All Change!

You may have heard version 22.1 of Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) has been released. For the versions between 3.0 and 21.4 the installation process was pretty much the same. From version 22.1 it’s out with the old and in with the new…

I’ve put out an installation article, but remember it’s early days for me, so I will probably be revisiting this over the coming weeks as I learn more.

The Big News

  • We no longer run commands using “ords.war” directly. Instead we use an “ords” script/executable in the “bin” subdirectory. That kind-of makes every installation or configuration article you’ve ever read wrong.
  • The above change means standalone mode is also different, so even starting and stopping ORDS has changed.
  • The configuration location is no longer written into the “ords.war” file, so you have to make sure standalone, Tomcat, WebLogic knows where to find the config.
  • The contents/structure of the configuration has changed, so once again anything you’ve read about configuration has probably changed.

It all sounds quite dramatic, and it certainly confused the hell out of me, but I think a couple of weeks down the line I will forget it was ever any other way. 🙂

I’ve updated one of my Vagrant builds to use the new version. I’ll do the others over time…

Over the next few days/weeks I’ve got to visit all my ORDS content (over 30 articles) to check how these changes have impacted it. Off the top of my head I think I’ve got about 3 rewrites to do, and some corrections of other articles.

Don’t Panic

From a usage perspective, ORDS looks the same, so there is no need to panic. It’s just one of those administration evolutions you expect in the lifetime of a product.



PS. I’ve been making Jeff Smith‘s life miserable regarding the documentation. Thanks for the feedback and changes Jeff. 😉

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