Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) 22.1 : Article Updates

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the big changes that have come with version 22.1 of ORDS (here). I mentioned that the changes meant I had to revisit a bunch of my content. I think that process is done now.

As I predicted, there are three new articles so far. I mentioned the first of these in my last post.

These had changed so much is made sense to do them as new articles, rather than trying to cope the “pre-22.1” and “22.1 onward” approaches in one article.

Since the changes are in the configuration, rather than feature usage, most of the other articles needed less work. Typically just references about how to enable/disable features. I’ve worked through all the articles now and I think I’ve sorted everything. I’m sure over time I’ll spot other things I want to add or edit. 🙂 Here’s a link to all the ORDS articles on my website.

ORDS : All Articles



MobaXterm 20.0 and KeePass 2.44

And in other news about things I’ve missed recently…

MobaXterm 20.0 was released a couple of days ago. It looks like they’ve switched across to the yearly naming like many other companies. 🙂

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

If you are working on Windows and spend a lot of time in shells for connections to Linux boxes, you need this in your life!

KeePass 2.44 was released nearly a month ago.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

You can read about how I use KeePass and KeePassXC on my Windows, Mac and Android devices here.

Happy days!



Advert: PL/SQL Masterclass Updates…

This month I’ll be doing some PL/SQL Masterclasses for Oracle University. The following dates have been confirmed:

  • Singapore (14-15)
  • Syndey (18-19)
  • Melbourne (21-22)

For more details contact Oracle University here.

Originally there was an extra session in Hong Kong, but this has now been cancelled.

In November the following dates are scheduled:

  • Bulgaria (22-23)
  • Serbia (25-26)



Twitter, funny coincidences and updates…

Inspired by Dan Norris, I ventured on to Twitter yesterday and had a really good laugh. I’m not sure how regular a visitor I will be, but it is a neat way to keep in touch, and vent occasionally. It takes a bit of getting used to… 🙂

Jake posted this on twitter, “slammed finger in door ftw!”, and soon after this blog post appeared, Half-Baked Idea: “Tweet” your Pain! Spooky… 🙂

Regarding Twitter clients, Dan suggested Snitter and Eddie suggested Twhirl. Both had problems from behind a firewall, but worked fine from home. I logged on this morning and saw this, The Best Twitter Client for Windows Desktop, shared by Andy C on Google Reader.

Finally, I was in the mood for a cleanup, so I decided to revamp my Blog Aggregator. It’s been chugging along merrily for nearly two years, but it was looking a little sad and neglected, so I spruced it up a bit. It was never meant to include all Oracle blogs, like, just things I follow.



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