8i | 9i | 10g | 11g | 12c | 13c | 18c | 19c | 21c | 23ai | Misc | PL/SQL | SQL | RAC | WebLogic | Linux
Blockchain Tables in Oracle Database 21c
A blockchain table is a tamper-proof, insert-only table with an associated table-level and row-level retention period. Rows are organised into chains, with each row containing a hash of the data contained in the row, and the hash of the previous rows data.
This feature has been backported to Oracle 19.10, but also requires patch 32431413 and the COMPATIBLE
parameter set to 19.10.0 or later. From 19.11 the additional patch is not required. There have been significant changes introduced to blockchain tables in Oracle 23ai, which you can read about here.
When learning about blockchain tables, be careful not to set excessively long retention periods, or you will have to wait a long time to drop your test tables.
- Create a Blockchain Table
- Alter a Blockchain Table
- Blocked DML and DDL Operations
- Manage Certificates
- Sign Rows
- Considerations
Related articles.
Create a Blockchain Table
In addition to adding the BLOCKCHAIN
keyword to the CREATE TABLE
command, there are three blockchain clauses.
clause determines how long the table is protected from being dropped. If the table has no rows it can still be dropped. Unlike the initial releases of blockchain tables, in (19.11 and 21.3) the NO DROP
clause also prevents the table being dropped via a DROP USER ... CASCADE
: The table can't be dropped. Be careful about using this setting during testing.NO DROP UNTIL number DAYS IDLE
: The table can't dropped until there have been no new rows inserted for the specified number of days. You may prefer to use 0 or 1 as the number of days during testing this functionality.
clause determines the retention period. How long each row will be protected from deletion.
: Each row is retained forever. The absence of theLOCKED
keyword implies the setting can be changed with theALTER TABLE
command, but it can't. Retention periods can only be increased.NO DELETE LOCKED
: Same asNO DELETE
: Each row is protected from deletion for the specified number of days, but this setting can be increased using theALTER TABLE
command. Minimum 16 days.NO DELETE UNTIL number DAYS AFTER INSERT LOCKED
: Each row is protected from deletion for the specified number of days, and this setting can't be changed using theALTER TABLE
command. Minimum 16 days.
The blockchain hash and data format clause is fixed in the current release. It looks like it will allow alternative hashing algorithms in future releases.
Putting it all together gives us something like the following.
--drop table bct_t1 purge; create blockchain table bct_t1 ( id number, fruit varchar2(20), quantity number, created_date date, constraint bct_t1_pk primary key (id) ) no drop until 0 days idle no delete until 16 days after insert hashing using "SHA2_512" version "v1";
Checking the USER_TAB_COLS
view shows us several invisible columns have been added to our column list. The hidden columns are described here.
set linesize 120 pagesize 50 column column_name format a30 column data_type format a27 column hidden_column format a13 select internal_column_id, column_name, data_type, data_length, hidden_column FROM user_tab_cols WHERE table_name = 'BCT_T1' ORDER BY internal_column_id; INTERNAL_COLUMN_ID COLUMN_NAME DATA_TYPE DATA_LENGTH HIDDEN_COLUMN ------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------------- ----------- ------------- 1 ID NUMBER 22 NO 2 FRUIT VARCHAR2 25 NO 3 QUANTITY NUMBER 22 NO 4 CREATED_DATE DATE 7 NO 5 ORABCTAB_INST_ID$ NUMBER 22 YES 6 ORABCTAB_CHAIN_ID$ NUMBER 22 YES 7 ORABCTAB_SEQ_NUM$ NUMBER 22 YES 8 ORABCTAB_CREATION_TIME$ TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 YES 9 ORABCTAB_USER_NUMBER$ NUMBER 22 YES 10 ORABCTAB_HASH$ RAW 2000 YES 11 ORABCTAB_SIGNATURE$ RAW 2000 YES 12 ORABCTAB_SIGNATURE_ALG$ NUMBER 22 YES 13 ORABCTAB_SIGNATURE_CERT$ RAW 16 YES 14 ORABCTAB_SPARE$ RAW 2000 YES 14 rows selected. SQL>
views display information about blockchain tables. It's a view over the SYS.BLOCKCHAIN_TABLE$
column row_retention format a13 column row_retention_locked format a20 column table_inactivity_retention format a26 column hash_algorithm format a14 SELECT row_retention, row_retention_locked, table_inactivity_retention, hash_algorithm FROM user_blockchain_tables WHERE table_name = 'BCT_T1'; ROW_RETENTION ROW_RETENTION_LOCKED TABLE_INACTIVITY_RETENTION HASH_ALGORITHM ------------- -------------------- -------------------------- -------------- 16 NO 0 SHA2_512 SQL>
Alter a Blockchain Table
The documentation suggests the NO DROP
clause can be altered using the ALTER TABLE
command, as long as the retention period is not reduced. At the time of writing this doesn't seem to work for tables that were initially created with NO DROP UNTIL 0 DAYS IDLE
, as all values of days return an error. We currently have a retention period of 0 days for the table. In the following example we try to change it to 100 days, which gives an error. The command is syntactically correct, so I assume this is a bug in this release update. This is still broken in 19.12, but works correctly in 21.3.
alter table bct_t1 no drop until 100 days idle; Error report - ORA-05732: retention value cannot be lowered SQL>
This command will work on tables created with NO DROP UNTIL 1 DAYS IDLE
or higher.
Regardless of the current drop delay setting, an attempt to switch to the maximum value of NO DROP
causes an ORA-00600 error. This is still broken in 19.12, but works correctly in 21.3.
alter table bct_t1 no drop; Error starting at line : 1 in command - alter table bct_t1 no drop Error report - ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [atbbctable_1], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
This is a problem, as I would expect most people to want to play it safe by starting with a zero day delay, then upping the value later once they are happy with their setup. Starting on day one with a NO DROP
seems very risky, as the only way to remove the table is to drop the whole schema.
Assuming it was not defined as locked, the NO DELETE
clause can be modified using the ALTER TABLE
command, as long as the retention period is not reduced. We currently have a row retention period of 16 days. In the example below we increase that value to 32. When we subsequently attempt to lower the value to 16 it gives an error.
-- Increase to 32 days. alter table bct_t1 no delete until 32 days after insert; Table BCT_T1 altered. SQL> -- Decrease to 16 days (fail). alter table bct_t1 no delete until 16 days after insert; Error report - ORA-05732: retention value cannot be lowered SQL>
In the current release, attempting to set the row retention to NO DELETE
, which is an increase in the retention period, results in an ORA-00600
error. I assume this is a bug in the current release update. This is still broken in 19.12, but works correctly in 21.3.
alter table bct_t1 no delete; Error report - ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [atbbctable_1], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Blocked DML and DDL Operations
As you would expect for an insert-only table, all DML and DDL operations that would result in row data being amended or deleted are prevented for a blockchain table.
The following example shows a successful insert, then some unsuccessful DML statements.
-- INSERT insert into bct_t1 (id, fruit, quantity, created_date ) values (1, 'apple', 20, sysdate); 1 row inserted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> -- UPDATE update bct_t1 set quantity = 10 where id = 1; Error report - SQL Error: ORA-05715: operation not allowed on the blockchain table SQL> -- DELETE delete from bct_t1 where id = 1; Error report - SQL Error: ORA-05715: operation not allowed on the blockchain table SQL>
Some DDL statements that could alter the contents of the data are also prevented. Here is an example of the TRUNCATE
truncate table bct_t1; Error report - ORA-05715: operation not allowed on the blockchain table SQL>
Extending existing columns is fine, but adding new columns or dropping existing columns is not allowed.
-- Extend column. alter table bct_t1 modify (fruit varchar2(25)); Table BCT_T1 altered. SQL> -- Add column alter table bct_t1 add (additional_info varchar2(50)); Error report - ORA-05715: operation not allowed on the blockchain table SQL> -- Drop column. alter table bct_t1 drop column quantity; Error report - ORA-05715: operation not allowed on the blockchain table SQL>
package is used for maintenance of blockchain tables.
procedure removes any rows that are beyond the retention period. They can't be removed using a normal DELETE
set serveroutput on declare l_rows number; begin dbms_blockchain_table.delete_expired_rows( schema_name => 'testuser1', table_name => 'bct_t1', before_timestamp => null, number_of_rows_deleted => l_rows); dbms_output.put_line('Rows Deleted=' || l_rows); end; / Rows Deleted=0 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
Alternatively, we can limit the deletion by date. The rows will only be deleted if they are outside the retention period, and match the date criteria.
set serveroutput on declare l_rows number; begin dbms_blockchain_table.delete_expired_rows( schema_name => 'testuser1', table_name => 'bct_t1', before_timestamp => systimestamp - 60, number_of_rows_deleted => l_rows); dbms_output.put_line('Rows Deleted=' || l_rows); end; / Rows Deleted=0 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
procedure checks the rows in the table have a consistent hash, and signature if used.
set serveroutput on declare l_rows number; l_verified number; begin select count(*) into l_rows from testuser1.bct_t1; dbms_blockchain_table.verify_rows( schema_name => 'testuser1', table_name => 'bct_t1', number_of_rows_verified => l_verified); dbms_output.put_line('Rows=' || l_rows || ' Verified Rows=' || l_verified); end; / Rows=1 Verified Rows=1 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
Manage Certificates
package allows us to manage certificates for use with row signing.
We generated a new self-signed certificate using the following openssl
command on a Linux server.
mkdir /home/oracle/my_wallet openssl req \ -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha512 \ -x509 -days 3650 \ -outform der \ -keyout /home/oracle/my_wallet/my-bct-test-key.der \ -out /home/oracle/my_wallet/my-bct-test-cert.der \ -subj "/C=GB/ST=West Midlands/L=Birmingham/O=Example Company/OU=Devs/CN=Tim Hall/emailAddress=me@example.com"
We create an oracle directory object pointing to the location holding the certificate.
conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba create or replace directory cert_dir as '/home/oracle/my_wallet/'; grant read, write on directory cert_dir to testuser1;
We use the contents of the "my-bct-test-key.der" file with the ADD_CERTIFICATE
procedure to create a new certificate in the database.
conn testuser1/testuser1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 set serveroutput on declare l_dir varchar2(20) := 'CERT_DIR'; l_file_name varchar2(20) := 'id_1_signature.dat'; l_cert blob; l_bfile bfile; l_destoffset integer := 1; l_srcoffset integer := 1; l_cert_id raw(16); begin dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_cert, false); l_bfile := bfilename(l_dir, l_file_name); if (dbms_lob.fileexists( l_bfile ) = 1) then dbms_lob.fileopen( l_bfile ); dbms_lob.loadblobfromfile( dest_lob => l_cert, src_bfile => l_bfile, amount => dbms_lob.getlength(l_bfile), dest_offset => l_destoffset, src_offset => l_srcoffset ); dbms_lob.fileclose( l_bfile ); dbms_user_certs.add_certificate(l_cert, l_cert_id); dbms_output.put_line('certificate ID: ' || l_cert_id); else raise_application_error(-20001, 'must create the user certificates first'); end if; end; / certificate ID: 006EA851A3FE2E89E065000000000001 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
The certificate is be visible in the {DBA|USER}_CERTIFICATES
column certificate_id format a35 column user_name format a10 column distinguished_name format a30 select certificate_id, user_name, distinguished_name from user_certificates; CERTIFICATE_ID USER_NAME DISTINGUISHED_NAME ----------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ 006EA851A3FE2E89E065000000000001 TESTUSER1 EMAIL=me@example.com,CN=Tim Ha ll,OU=Devs,O=Example Company,L =Birmingham,ST=West Midlands,C =GB SQL>
procedure removes certificates from the database. The CERTIFICATE_ID
column from the {DBA|USER}_CERTIFICATES
views identifies the certificate to be removed. Don't run this is you want to continue to sign rows.
begin dbms_user_certs.drop_certificate(cert_id => '006EA851A3FE2E89E065000000000001'); end; /
Sign Rows
Once a certificate is loaded into the database, we can use it to sign rows.
We create a test blockchain table and insert a row.
drop table if exists bct_sign purge; create blockchain table bct_sign ( id number, fruit varchar2(20), quantity number, created_date date, constraint bct_sign_pk primary key (id) ) no drop until 0 days idle no delete until 16 days after insert hashing using "SHA2_512" version "v2"; insert into bct_sign (id, fruit, quantity, created_date) values (1, 'apple', 20, sysdate); commit;
We query some of the hidden column values for the row we want to sign, and pass them to the DBMS_BLOCKCHAIN_TABLE.GET_BYTES_FOR_ROW_SIGNATURE
procedure to identify the data that is necessary to sign the row. We then write this data out to a file.
declare l_dir varchar2(20) := 'CERT_DIR'; l_file_name varchar2(20) := 'id_1_signature.dat'; l_row_data blob; l_buffer raw(4000); l_inst_id binary_integer; l_chain_id binary_integer; l_seq_num binary_integer; l_row_len binary_integer; l_file utl_file.file_type; begin select orabctab_inst_id$, orabctab_chain_id$, orabctab_seq_num$ into l_inst_id, l_chain_id, l_seq_num from bct_sign where id = 1; dbms_blockchain_table.get_bytes_for_row_signature( schema_name => 'testuser1', table_name => 'bct_sign', instance_id => l_inst_id, chain_id => l_chain_id, sequence_id => l_seq_num, data_format => 1, row_data => l_row_data); l_row_len := dbms_lob.getlength(l_row_data); dbms_lob.read(l_row_data, l_row_len, 1, l_buffer); l_file := utl_file.fopen(l_dir,l_file_name,'wb', 32767); utl_file.put_raw(l_file, l_buffer, true); utl_file.fclose(l_file); end; /
We sign the file using the private key for our certificate, and create the "/home/oracle/my_wallet/id_1_signature.dat.sha512" file. The resulting file is our signature.
cd /home/oracle/my_wallet/ openssl dgst -sha512 \ -sign my-bct-test-key.der \ -out id_1_signature.dat.sha512 \ id_1_signature.dat
We can now use the signature to sign the row. The following example gets the information about the row, loads the signature into a blob, and uses it to sign the rows using the SIGN_ROW
procedure in the DBMS_BLOCKCHAIN_TABLE
declare l_dir varchar2(30) := 'CERT_DIR'; l_file_name varchar2(30) := 'id_1_signature.dat.sha512'; l_cert_id raw (16) := hextoraw('006EA851A3FE2E89E065000000000001'); l_inst_id binary_integer; l_chain_id binary_integer; l_sequence_no binary_integer; l_hash raw(2000); l_signature blob; l_bfile bfile; l_destoffset integer := 1; l_srcoffset integer := 1; begin select orabctab_inst_id$, orabctab_chain_id$, orabctab_seq_num$, orabctab_hash$, orabctab_signature$ into l_inst_id, l_chain_id, l_sequence_no, l_hash, l_signature from bct_sign where id = 1; if l_signature is not null then raise_application_error(-20000, 'The row has already been signed.'); end if; l_bfile := bfilename(l_dir, l_file_name); if (dbms_lob.fileexists(l_bfile ) = 1) then dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_signature, false); dbms_lob.fileopen(l_bfile); dbms_lob.loadblobfromfile( dest_lob => l_signature, src_bfile => l_bfile, amount => dbms_lob.getlength(l_bfile), dest_offset => l_destoffset, src_offset => l_srcoffset ); dbms_lob.fileclose(l_bfile); dbms_blockchain_table.sign_row( schema_name => 'testuser1', table_name => 'bct_sign', instance_id => l_inst_id, chain_id => l_chain_id, sequence_id => l_sequence_no, hash => l_hash, signature => l_signature, certificate_guid => l_cert_id, signature_algo => dbms_blockchain_table.sign_algo_rsa_sha2_512); else raise_application_error(-20001, 'must create the signature first'); end if; end; /
We can see the row has been signed using the following query.
set linesize 120 column signature format a30 column cert_id format a35 select id, fruit, orabctab_signature$ as signature, orabctab_signature_cert$ as cert_id from bct_sign where id = 1; ID FRUIT SIGNATURE CERT_ID ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------- 1 apple 240FB4F558B14DD035DBDD5E71012E 006EA851A3FE2E89E065000000000001 AB28775A47C7CC2720D6660B4F9F1B DFE8F944FCD55AD7BE67400A82B0A8 C00281F405CD53401D85DF6272AE3E 1294A02B6901B6693515348482F7D5 5F861860FBF66ACB6DFB7C977DC87C 3F2C1A9C1ABFE79F30DD6F7AAA155F 4F4DCD3B37F6BDD4AEDED784B18E3A 0EAB72B23F53403 SQL>
Thanks to Martin Bach and Ulrike Schwinn for helping with the solution for signing rows.
There are a number of things to consider when using blockchain tables.
- The implementation of blockchain tables feels kind-of buggy until version 21.3. Even in the 19.12 patch things are buggy on 19c. There are some features that don't work as documented, resulting in error messages that are inaccurate, or aren't trapped properly. There are also some features I've not included in this article as they appear not to work at all. In one case resulting in memory failures that can only be resolved by restarting the instance. I'll revisit these over the next few release updates to see if they get resolved, and update this article accordingly.
- Blockchain tables are slower than conventional tables, due to the extra work associated with them.
- Blockchain tables can be indexed and partitioned in the normal manner.
- There are some restrictions associated with data pump against blockchain tables, described here.
- There are a number of general restrictions associated with blockchain tables, described here.
- Oracle recommend saving the current hash and the corresponding sequence number for each chain in the instance somewhere outside of the database. This allows you to compare your recorded values to those in the table for extra assurance.
- In data guard environments, Oracle recommend maximum protection mode or maximum availability mode when working with blockchain tables.
- User certificates can be added to the database using the
procedure in theDBMS_USER_CERTS
package, and applied to existing rows using theSIGN_ROW
I guess the main question should be, why would you use a blockchain table?
- If you need an insert-only tamper proof table in your application generally, this could be the solution.
- If you want to take advantage of the trust associated with blockchain in a centralized manner, rather than having multiple client applications having to manage blockchains individually, using a blockchain table allows you to centralise that trust.
- You can add the trust associated with blockchain to existing applications without having to worry about recoding them.
For more information see:
- Managing Blockchain Tables
- Details: Oracle Blockchain Table
- Practice: Managing Blockchain Tables and Rows
- Blockchain Tables in Oracle Database 21c (part 2)
- Blockchain Table Enhancements in Oracle Database 23ai
Hope this helps. Regards Tim...