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Auditing Enhancements in Oracle Database 23ai
This post describes some of the auditing enhancements in Oracle database 23ai.
Related articles.
Desupport of Traditional Auditing
Traditional auditing was deprecated in Oracle 21c, and has been desupported in Oracle 23ai. Make sure you are using Unified Auditing. You can read about handling the transition to unified auditing here.
Audit Individual Columns for Tables and Views
In Oracle 23ai we can create audit policies on individual columns of tables and views, which allows us to thin out the contents of the audit trail by ignoring actions that don't affect the columns of interest. For a table or view column we can audit the following actions, as described here.
To demonstrate this we create a test table.
conn testuser1/testuser1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 drop table if exists audit_test_tab purge; create table audit_test_tab ( id number generated always as identity, col1 varchar2(10), col2 varchar2(10), col3 varchar2(10) ); insert into audit_test_tab (col1, col2) values ('apple', 'banana'); commit;
We connect to a privileged user and create a new audit policy. We want to audit updates on COL1
or COL2
, and queries of COL2
. Notice we supply a comma-separated list of columns the audited action applies to.
conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba noaudit policy test_audit_policy; drop audit policy test_audit_policy; create audit policy test_audit_policy actions update(col1, col2) on testuser1.audit_test_tab, select(col2) on testuser1.audit_test_tab container = current; audit policy test_audit_policy;
We check the audit trail for actions against the table, and we can see there are no actions audited.
column event_timestamp format a30 column dbusername format a10 column action_name format a20 column object_schema format a10 column object_name format a20 column sql_text format a40 select event_timestamp, dbusername, action_name, object_schema, object_name, sql_text from unified_audit_trail where object_name = 'AUDIT_TEST_TAB' order BY event_timestamp; no rows selected SQL>
We perform some operations against the test table, some of which are auditable actions.
conn testuser1/testuser1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 -- Not audited. insert into audit_test_tab (col1, col2) values ('apple2', 'banana2'); update audit_test_tab set col3 = 'pear' where col3 is null; commit; select id from audit_test_tab; ID ---------- 1 2 SQL> -- Audited. update audit_test_tab set col1 = 'apple1' where col1 = 'apple'; update audit_test_tab set col2 = 'banana1' where col2 = 'banana'; select col2 from audit_test_tab; COL2 ---------- banana1 banana2 SQL>
We check the audit trail.
conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba column event_timestamp format a30 column dbusername format a10 column action_name format a20 column object_schema format a10 column object_name format a20 column sql_text format a40 select event_timestamp, dbusername, action_name, object_schema, object_name, sql_text from unified_audit_trail where object_name = 'AUDIT_TEST_TAB' order BY event_timestamp; EVENT_TIMESTAMP DBUSERNAME ACTION_NAME OBJECT_SCH OBJECT_NAME SQL_TEXT ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- 14-JUN-23 PM TESTUSER1 UPDATE TESTUSER1 AUDIT_TEST_TAB update audit_test_tab set col1 = 'apple1' where col1 = 'apple' 14-JUN-23 PM TESTUSER1 UPDATE TESTUSER1 AUDIT_TEST_TAB update audit_test_tab set col2 = 'banana1' where col2 = 'banana' 14-JUN-23 PM TESTUSER1 SELECT TESTUSER1 AUDIT_TEST_TAB select col2 from audit_test_tab SQL>
Notice only those actions on the specified columns were audited. The query of the ID column, and the updates to the COL3 column were not audited.
For more information see:
- Object Actions That Can Be Audited
- Example: Auditing an Action on a Table Column
- Handling the Desupport of Traditional Auditing
Hope this helps. Regards Tim...