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Configuring Software RAID on Oracle Linux 6

This article describes the steps required to configure software RAID on Oracle Linux 6 (OL6/RHEL6). The process is similar to that in OL5/RHEL5, but some of the screens look a little different.

When you get to the storage section of the installer, choose the "Create Custom Layout" option and click the "Next" button.

Click the "Create" button.

Select the "RAID Partition" option and click the "Create" button.

Select the "Software RAID" option, tick the first device and set the appropriate size. In this installation I need a RAID 1 boot partition and an LVM partition, so I need to create the appropriate RAID partitions on each disk to accommodate these. This partition size should be 500 so it can be a RAID partition for the boot partition. Click the "OK" button.

Click the "Create" button to create the second raid partition on the disk, in the same way you did before.

Create the second RAID partition in the similar way to the first, but this time select the "Fill to maximum allowable size" option.

Repeat the process for the second disk device. Once that is done, click the "Create" button again.

This time select the "RAID Device" option and click the "Create" button.

Enter the mount point "/boot", the file system type of "ext4", the raid device "md0", the RAID level "RAID1" and check the RAID member partitions. When you are happy with the setup, click the "OK" button.

Repeat the process, this time setting the file system type to "physical volume (LVM)".

You can now define the volume group by clicking the "Create" button.

Select the "LVM Volume Group" option and click the "Create" button.

Alter the volume group name if you wish and click the "Add" button.

Define a swap partition of the appropriate size for your physical memory and click the "OK" button.

Click the "Add" button again and define the "/" mount point using the remaining space in the physical volume. Click the "OK" button.

When you are happy with the volume group definition, click the "OK" button.

The RAID storage definition is now complete, you you can proceed with the installation by clicking the "Next" button.

When you get to the bootloader section, remember to make sure the boot loader is installed on a RAID device. Click the "Change device" button.

Select the "RAID Device" option and click the "OK" button.

You can now proceed with the rest of the installation as normal.

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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