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DBMS_SESSION : Managing Sessions From a Connection Pool in Oracle Databases
Amongst other things, the DBMS_SESSION
package contains procedures to help manage sessions being used as part of a connection pool. Depending on the software managing the connection pool, some of these issues may already be handled.
- Client Identifier (
) - Contexts (
) - Packages (
) - Memory (
) - End-To-End Tracing From Java
Related articles.
- DBMS_SESSION.SLEEP Replaces DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP in Oracle Database 18c
- SQL trace, 10046, trcsess and tkprof in Oracle
- DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO : For Code Instrumentation
Client Identifier (SET_IDENTIFIER
In many client-server applications it was common to allocate a different database user for each real user of the system. This made it simple to identify and audit the users at the database level. If applications used a single database user and managed security internally, this made identifying the real users of the system difficult. The issue was complicated further by multi-tier architectures that used connection pooling.
To counter this, Oracle 9iR1 introduced the SET_IDENTIFIER
procedures to allow the real user to be associated with a session, regardless of what database user was being used for the connection. The procedures amend the content of the CLIENT_IDENTIFIER
column in the V$SESSION
view. When a connection is taken from the connection pool the application should call the SET_IDENTIFIER
procedure, passing the real user information as a parameter.
CONN test/test EXEC sys.DBMS_SESSION.set_identifier('tim_hall'); COLUMN username FORMAT A20 COLUMN client_identifier FORMAT A20 SELECT USER AS username, SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'client_identifier') AS client_identifier FROM dual; USERNAME CLIENT_IDENTIFIER -------------------- -------------------- TEST tim_hall SQL>
The information is visible in the V$SESSION
view when queried from privileged user in another session.
-- Start a new session, leaving the existing session running. CONN / AS SYSDBA COLUMN username FORMAT A20 COLUMN client_identifier FORMAT A20 SELECT username, client_identifier FROM v$session WHERE username = 'TEST'; USERNAME CLIENT_IDENTIFIER -------------------- -------------------- TEST tim_hall SQL>
Before the session is released back into the connection pool, the application should call the CLEAR_IDENTIFIER
-- Back in the original session. EXEC sys.DBMS_SESSION.clear_identifier; SELECT USER AS username, SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'client_identifier') AS client_identifier FROM dual; USERNAME CLIENT_IDENTIFIER -------------------- -------------------- TEST SQL>
column of the V$SESSION
view is blanked for the session.
-- Back in the privileged session. SELECT username, client_identifier FROM v$session WHERE username = 'TEST'; USERNAME CLIENT_IDENTIFIER -------------------- -------------------- TEST SQL>
Later releases of Oracle included the CLIENT_IDENTIFIER
information in the audit trail, SQL trace files and performance tuning tools, making it even more useful.
Contexts are namespaces used to store name-value pairs. Although contexts were available in Oracle 8i, the CLEAR_CONTEXT
procedure was not introduced until 9iR1, while the CLEAR_ALL_CONTEXT
procedure was introduced in 10gR1. If a session is being used as part of a connection pool and the state of its contexts are not reinitialized, this can lead to unexpected behavior.
CONN / AS SYSDBA GRANT CREATE ANY CONTEXT TO test; CONN test/test -- Create the context. CREATE OR REPLACE CONTEXT parameter_ctx USING context_api; -- Create the package to manage the context. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE context_api AS PROCEDURE set_parameter(p_name IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE clear_context (p_name IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE clear_all_context; END context_api; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY context_api IS PROCEDURE set_parameter (p_name IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN sys.DBMS_SESSION.set_context('parameter_ctx', p_name, p_value); END set_parameter; PROCEDURE clear_context (p_name IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN sys.DBMS_SESSION.clear_context('parameter_ctx', attribute => p_name); END clear_context; PROCEDURE clear_all_context IS BEGIN sys.DBMS_SESSION.clear_all_context('parameter_ctx'); END clear_all_context; END context_api; / -- Set two values in the context and check them. EXEC context_api.set_parameter('variable1', 'one'); EXEC context_api.set_parameter('variable2', 'two'); COLUMN variable1 FORMAT A20 COLUMN variable2 FORMAT A20 SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('parameter_ctx', 'variable1') AS variable1, SYS_CONTEXT('parameter_ctx', 'variable2') AS variable2 FROM dual; VARIABLE1 VARIABLE2 -------------------- -------------------- one two SQL> -- Clear one of the name-value pairs and retest. EXEC context_api.clear_context('variable1'); SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('parameter_ctx', 'variable1') AS variable1, SYS_CONTEXT('parameter_ctx', 'variable2') AS variable2 FROM dual; VARIABLE1 VARIABLE2 -------------------- -------------------- two SQL> -- Clear all name-value pairs and retest. EXEC context_api.clear_all_context; SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('parameter_ctx', 'variable1') AS variable1, SYS_CONTEXT('parameter_ctx', 'variable2') AS variable2 FROM dual; VARIABLE1 VARIABLE2 -------------------- -------------------- SQL>
with the ATTRIBUTE
parameter set to NULL is similar to calling the CLEAR_ALL_CONTEXT
Sessions have the ability to alter package state by amending the values of package variables. If a session is being used as part of a connection pool and the state of its packages are not reinitialized, this can lead to unexpected behavior. To solve this, the RESET_PACKAGE
procedure, available since Oracle 7, can be called to reinitialize all packages.
-- Create a package with a package variable and GET/SET methods. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE p1 AS FUNCTION get_value RETURN NUMBER; PROCEDURE set_value (p_value IN NUMBER); END p1; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY p1 AS g_number NUMBER := 1; FUNCTION get_value RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN g_number; END get_value; PROCEDURE set_value (p_value IN NUMBER) AS BEGIN g_number := p_value; END set_value; END p1; / -- Check the current value. SELECT p1.get_value FROM dual; GET_VALUE ---------- 1 SQL> -- Alter the value and retest. EXEC p1.set_value(2); SELECT p1.get_value FROM dual; GET_VALUE ---------- 2 SQL> -- Reset the package state and retest. EXEC sys.DBMS_SESSION.reset_package; SELECT p1.get_value FROM dual; GET_VALUE ---------- 1 SQL>
If a session performs operations that cause it to allocate a large amount of memory in the PGA or UGA, this memory will not be reclaimed until the session disconnects. For sessions in the connection pool this can present a problem unless they are managed properly. As the name suggests, the FREE_UNUSED_USER_MEMORY
procedure, available since Oracle 7, frees up unused memory in the session.
CONN / AS SYSDBA GRANT SELECT ON v_$mystat TO test; GRANT SELECT ON v_$statname TO test; CONN test/test -- Create a package with a collection as a package variable. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE p1 AS FUNCTION get_pga_size RETURN NUMBER; PROCEDURE populate_tab; PROCEDURE empty_tab; END p1; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY p1 AS TYPE t_tab IS TABLE OF all_objects%ROWTYPE; g_tab t_tab; FUNCTION get_pga_size RETURN NUMBER AS l_number NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT ms.value INTO l_number FROM v$mystat ms JOIN v$statname sn ON sn.statistic# = ms.statistic# WHERE sn.name = 'session pga memory'; RETURN l_number; END get_pga_size; PROCEDURE populate_tab AS BEGIN SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO g_tab FROM all_objects; END populate_tab; PROCEDURE empty_tab AS BEGIN g_tab.delete; END empty_tab; END p1; / -- Check the current PGA size. SELECT p1.get_pga_size FROM dual; GET_PGA_SIZE ------------ 3273264 SQL> -- Populate the collection and retest. EXEC p1.populate_tab; SELECT p1.get_pga_size FROM dual; GET_PGA_SIZE ------------ 47641136 SQL> -- Empty the collection and retest. EXEC p1.empty_tab; SELECT p1.get_pga_size FROM dual; GET_PGA_SIZE ------------ 47641136 SQL> -- Free unused memory and retest. EXEC sys.DBMS_SESSION.free_unused_user_memory; SELECT p1.get_pga_size FROM dual; GET_PGA_SIZE ------------ 5632560 SQL>
End-To-End Tracing From Java
From 12c onward setEndToEndMetrics
is deprecated in favour of setClientInfo
, which backwards compatible with setEndToEndMetrics
. Thanks to Stefan Koehler for pointing this out.
Java programs connecting to the database using JDBC can set the MODULE
columns of the V$SESSION
view without calls to the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO
packages. This makes it a more scalable solution, since extra calls to the database are not required.
When a new connection (conn) is made, or a connection is pulled from the connection pool, the details are set using the following type of code.
try { String e2eMetrics[] = new String[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_STATE_INDEX_MAX]; e2eMetrics[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_ACTION_INDEX] = "Starting"; e2eMetrics[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_MODULE_INDEX] = "MyProgram"; e2eMetrics[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_CLIENTID_INDEX] = "tim_hall"; // Pre-12c //((OracleConnection) conn).setEndToEndMetrics(e2eMetrics, (short) 0); // 12c Onward ((OracleConnection) conn).setClientInfo(e2eMetrics, (short) 0); } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Do something... }
Before releasing a connection back to the connection pool, the details should be blanked.
try { String e2eMetrics[] = new String[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_STATE_INDEX_MAX]; e2eMetrics[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_ACTION_INDEX] = null; e2eMetrics[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_MODULE_INDEX] = null; e2eMetrics[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_CLIENTID_INDEX] = null; // Pre-12c //((OracleConnection) conn).setEndToEndMetrics(e2eMetrics, Short.MIN_VALUE); // 12c Onward ((OracleConnection) conn).setClientInfo(e2eMetrics, Short.MIN_VALUE); } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Do something... }
For more information see:
- DBMS_SESSION.SLEEP Replaces DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP in Oracle Database 18c
- SQL trace, 10046, trcsess and tkprof in Oracle
- DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO : For Code Instrumentation
Hope this helps. Regards Tim...