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Script: temp_extent_map.sql
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-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File Name : http://www.oracle-base.com/dba/monitoring/temp_extent_map.sql -- Author : DR Timothy S Hall -- Description : Displays temp extents and their locations within the tablespace allowing identification of tablespace fragmentation. -- Requirements : Access to the DBA views. -- Call Syntax : @temp_extent_map (tablespace-name) -- Last Modified: 25/01/2003 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 1000000 SET FEEDBACK OFF SET TRIMOUT ON SET VERIFY OFF DECLARE CURSOR c_extents IS SELECT d.name, t.block_id AS start_block, t.block_id + t.blocks - 1 AS end_block FROM v$temp_extent_map t, v$tempfile d WHERE t.file_id = d.file# AND t.tablespace_name = Upper('&1') ORDER BY d.name, t.block_id; l_last_block_id NUMBER := 0; l_gaps_only BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN FOR cur_rec IN c_extents LOOP IF cur_rec.start_block > l_last_block_id + 1 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('*** GAP *** (' || l_last_block_id || ' -> ' || cur_rec.start_block || ')'); END IF; l_last_block_id := cur_rec.end_block; IF NOT l_gaps_only THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(RPAD(cur_rec.name, 50, ' ') || ' (' || cur_rec.start_block || ' -> ' || cur_rec.end_block || ')'); END IF; END LOOP; END; / PROMPT SET FEEDBACK ON SET PAGESIZE 18