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Script: longops_rac.sql
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-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File Name : https://oracle-base.com/dba/monitoring/longops_rac.sql -- Author : Tim Hall -- Description : Displays information on all long operations for whole RAC. -- Requirements : Access to the V$ views. -- Call Syntax : @longops_rac -- Last Modified: 03/07/2003 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET LINESIZE 200 COLUMN sid FORMAT 9999 COLUMN serial# FORMAT 9999999 COLUMN machine FORMAT A30 COLUMN progress_pct FORMAT 99999999.00 COLUMN elapsed FORMAT A10 COLUMN remaining FORMAT A10 SELECT s.inst_id, s.sid, s.serial#, s.username, s.module, ROUND(sl.elapsed_seconds/60) || ':' || MOD(sl.elapsed_seconds,60) elapsed, ROUND(sl.time_remaining/60) || ':' || MOD(sl.time_remaining,60) remaining, ROUND(sl.sofar/sl.totalwork*100, 2) progress_pct FROM gv$session s, gv$session_longops sl WHERE s.sid = sl.sid AND s.inst_id = sl.inst_id AND s.serial# = sl.serial#;