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Docker : Using JFrog Platform as a Docker Registry

This article demonstrates how to use JFrog Platform as a Docker registry, also known as a container registry. A Docker registry is a repository to store and distribute Docker images.

Related articles.

Create a Docker Registry Manually

Log into JFrog Platform. Expand the "Repositories" item and click the "Repositories" link.

JFrog Platform : Start

Click on the "+ Add Repositories" button, and select the "Local Repository" option.

JFrog Platform : Local Repository

Click the "Docker" package type.

JFrog Platform : Docker Package Type

Enter a Repository Key (name) and click the "Create Local Repository" button.

JFrog Platform : Create Local Repository

The new repository is in the list of repositories. Expand the "Identity and Access" item and click on the "Permissions" link.

JFrog Platform : Repository List

Click on the "+ New Permission" button.

JFrog Platform : Permissions

Enter the permission name and click on the "+ Add Repositories" button.

JFrog Platform : Create Permission

Drag the docker repository to the right hand side and click the "OK" button.

JFrog Platform : Add Repository

Click on the "Users" tab.

JFrog Platform : Users Tab

Click the "+" next to "Selected Users".

JFrog Platform : Add Selected User

Drag your user across to the right and click the "OK" button.

JFrog Platform : Select Users

With the selected user in place, add the repository permissions you require, and click the "Create" button.

JFrog Platform : Create Permission

The new permission is now listed on the permissions screen.

JFrog Platform : Permissions

Create a Docker Registry Using Terraform

If we were building this repository with Terraform, it's as simple as this.

resource "artifactory_local_docker_v2_repository" "new-docker-local" {
  key             = "new-docker-local"
  max_unique_tags = 0
  xray_index      = true

resource "artifactory_permission_target" "docker-permissions" {
  name = "docker-permissions"

  repo {
    includes_pattern = ["**"]
    repositories     = ["new-docker-local"]

    actions {
      groups {
        name        = "docker-user"
        permissions = ["read", "write", "annotate", "delete", "managedXrayMeta", "manage"]

Logging into the Registry

Before we can use the container registry, we need to login from our server.

# Docker
docker login my-company.jfrog.io

# Podman
podman login my-company.jfrog.io

We are prompted for a username and password. Alternatively, we can supply the credentials on the command line.

# Docker
docker login -u docker-user -p mypassword my-company.jfrog.io
docker login --username docker-user --password mypassword my-company.jfrog.io

# Podman
podman login -u docker-user -p mypassword my-company.jfrog.io
podman login --username docker-user --password mypassword my-company.jfrog.io

The credentials are base 64 encoded and cached.

Pushing Images to the Registry

Once we have built an image we can push it to the registry. Make sure you have logged into the registry, as described above.

We need to tag the image we want to push to the registry. The tag includes the registry details.

export IMAGE_ID=3ada03ad3d04
export IMAGE_REGISTRY=new-docker-local
export IMAGE_NAME=my-image
export IMAGE_VERSION=latest

# Docker
docker tag ${IMAGE_ID} my-company.jfrog.io/${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION}

# Podman
podman tag ${IMAGE_ID} my-company.jfrog.io/${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION}

Once tagged, we can push the image to the registry.

# Docker
docker push my-company.jfrog.io/${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION}

# Podman
podman push my-company.jfrog.io/${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION}

Pulling Images From the Registry

On the server that needs to use the images, we need to pull the images from the registry. Make sure you have logged into the registry, as described above.

export IMAGE_REGISTRY=new-docker-local
export IMAGE_NAME=my-image
export IMAGE_VERSION=latest

# Docker
podman pull uob.jfrog.io/${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION}

# Podman
podman pull uob.jfrog.io/${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION}

We can now use the image to create a container in the normal way.

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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