Rebrand and all the bugs disappear…


So OCS 10g has been released and it’s “a member of the Oracle Fusion Middleware family of products”.

Let’s hope that during the upgrade to DB10g and AS10g they actually thought about the stability of the product, not just packing in more functionality that most people won’t use.

The next hurdle for me is getting the people here to buy in to an upgrade. My feeling is that the current verison is so bad, what have we got to lose! I don’t think they’ll see it that way 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

4 thoughts on “Rebrand and all the bugs disappear…”

  1. “My feeling is that the current verison is so bad, what have we got to lose!”

    Seen that before. Forms 4.0. They basically took SQL*Forms 3.0 and gave it a couple of GUI bells and whistles and it was a bomb.
    Forms 4.5 changed the whole UI and was a whole lot more stable.

  2. Yeah, know exactly what you mean…
    I’ve just got approval to move to 10gr2 after months of prodding and poking at senior management. We’re gonna skip 10gr1 all together: too many bugs in Metalink!

    Let’s hope at least the ones reported in 9ir2 as fixed in 10gr2, really are fixed…

  3. gary:
    My first Oracle job was to convert an application from Forms 3.0 to Forms 4.0. I started the job having never heard of Oracle and I thought Forms 4.0 was brilliant. Of course, when I saw 4.5 I realized how bad 4.0 was 🙂

    10gr1 does have lots of bugs, but I still think it’s better than 9ir2 and worth the effort. I guess it all depends how the bits that don’t work affect your projects 🙂

    Release 2 looks good on the surface, but who knows. I guess you might as well jump straight in. After all, it’s the terminal release so we’ve all got to get there from a support perspective 🙂



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