Driving vs. Being Driven : The reason you fail to get good at anything!

It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve gone somewhere. I only know the route when I’ve driven there myself. Everything makes sense when you see someone else do it. You don’t realise how distracted you are, and how much you’ve missed until you have to do it for yourself.

When we have consultants on site to help us with something new, I assume I’m going to drive and they are going to give directions. I make notes as necessary, but the main thing is *I’ve done it*, not them. If I’m told I have to “observe and make notes”, I say I’m not willing to support it, as experience tells me there will be important stuff that gets missed as the consultant rushes through it. Once again, it’s the difference between driving and being driven.

I’ve written a lot about Learning New Things, and I think it always starts with learning to learn for yourself. If you are always relying on other people to lead the way, they are driving and you are being driven. They are getting better and you are just drifting.

I suppose the obvious retort to this is,

“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”

Otto von Bismark

There is some truth in that, but the import thing in the second sentence is the wise person *learns* from the mistakes of others. There is still something active going on here. You are learning, not just being passive and waiting to be told what to do.

Standing on the shoulders of giants requires you to climb up on to the shoulders in the first place!



MobaXterm & KeePass Updates

Yesterday I noticed some updates to a couple of tools I use all the time.

MobaXterm 12.0

Followers of the blog know I’ve had a long term love affair with MobaXterm. If you are using Windows and connect to servers using SSH, this is the best tool I’ve come across.

Downloads and Changelog are in the usual places.

KeePass 2.42.1

I use KeePass as my password manager.

Downloads and Changelog are in the usual places.

You can read about how I use KeePass and KeePassXC on my Windows, Mac and Android devices here.



Docker : New Builds Using Oracle Linux 8 (oraclelinux:8-slim)

Yesterday I noticed the oraclelinux section on Docker Hub included “oraclelinux:8-slim”, so when I got home a did a quick run through some builds using it.

  • ol8_ords : This build is based on “oraclelinux:8-slim” and includes OpenJDK 12, Tomcat 9, ORDS 19, SQLcl 19 and the APEX 19 images.
  • ol8_19 : This build is based on “oraclelinux:8-slim” and includes the 19c database and APEX 19.
  • ol8_183 : This build is based on “oraclelinux:8-slim” and includes the 18c database and APEX 19.

There are also some new compose files, so I could test database and ORDS containers working together.

Everything worked fine, but here come the inevitable warnings and comments.

  • The Oracle database is not certified on Oracle Linux 8 yet, so the database builds are just for playing around, not a recommendation.
  • The database preinstall packages don’t exist yet, so I installed the main required packages with DNF, but I didn’t do some of the additional manual setup I would normally do, so it’s not a perfect example of an installation. I assume the preinstall packages will eventually be released, and I will substitute them in.
  • The ORDS build is not subject to the same certification restrictions as the database, so as far as I know, I could consider using this, although the build I use for work differs a little to this and is still using Oracle JDK 8 and Tomcat 8.5.

If you are interested in playing around with Docker, you can find my articles on it here, and my public builds here.



Video : Vagrant : A Beginner’s Guide

Today’s video is an introduction to Vagrant, which I use to build test systems with VirtualBox.

This video is based on the following article.

The star or today’s video is Christian Antognini, who is being drowned out by the noise of a plane. 🙂



PS. Sorry if you kept getting part way through, only to have the video be removed. I kept spotting mistakes, rendering artefacts and strange things YouTube was doing to the uploaded video.

An Eye for Efficiency : Why you are crap at your job!

One of my colleagues says that I think everyone is crap at their job, and to be honest that’s probably true. Most people are terrible, but they have so little self awareness they actually think they are good. The few people I think are good are those that have some self awareness and have an eye for efficiency. This isn’t just about technology, you can exercise these muscles in everyday life. I mentioned one example of how people approach parking barriers here, but here are some other things I’ve witnessed/experienced.

Shop Checkout

There’s a small, but busy, shop I go to several times a week. The process all the checkout staff go through is like this.

  • Scan all items, leaving them balanced on the checkout in a rather messy fashion.
  • Ask if you want a bag.
  • Pack all those scanned items into the bag.
  • Ask how you want to pay. If you pay by card, which most people do, they type in a code, wait a couple of seconds, then you touch your card to pay.

This drives me insane for a couple of reasons.

  • If they asked about the bag at the start, they could scan straight into the bag. This would save a significant amount of time in itself.
  • They could ask, “Are you going to pay by card?”, whilst they are scanning, and type in the code immediately once the last item is scanned.

Both items would shave quite a number of seconds off the transaction time. For each basket it might be just 30 seconds or so, but when there is a queue of people, which is very often, it makes a big difference. I stand there going crazy wanting to say something, but realising they will think I’m being a dick…

I worked in shops as a kid. I know how you should handle a checkout. In my day we didn’t have the scanners, so you would memorise the prices of popular items so you could get them through the checkout quicker than having to read the price tag then type it.

It amazes me the people on the checkout can’t see this and fix it themselves. It saddens me that their boss hasn’t taken the time to observe them and see this issue, then correct it. I guess they think they just need more staff. 🙁

Production Line

I’ve done a couple of production line jobs in summer holidays during University. In one job I worked packing garlic bread for 3 months. There were several stations in the line, and not surprisingly the line manager tried to move people between the stations to keep the flow of product consistent between all stations. I worked on the last station, which involved putting the packaged garlic bread into a cardboard sleeve. It was murder on your hands. Although the line manager would add and remove people from our station, they never dealt with the final link in the chain, which was the real problem. Once we filled up a crate, someone had to walk it over to the other side of the room and bring back a new empty crate. That was one person missing from the station a lot of the time. I moved the crates next to our station and it was like I had done some witchcraft. It seemed like an obvious waste of time to me, so I dealt with it. I’m sure as soon as I left the crates were moved back to their original location, because that’s where they were meant to go…

In both these cases, and in the case of the parking barrier, all I’ve done is observe what is happening and think how it could be done better. I don’t think this needs a brain the size of a planet. It’s more about having the desire to see things running smoothly. Unfortunately, most people don’t seem to give a crap about that, which is why most people are crap at their jobs…

Now I could link this back to some discussion on automation, or the principle of flow in devops, but you should already be able to make that connection for yourself, and if you can’t, I don’t think me telling you is going to make a difference…



Video : Oracle Linux 8 Installation

Today’s video is a quick run through a manual installation of Oracle Linux 8.

I put out a number of articles about Oracle Linux 8 when the beta was first released. I’ve now updated them where appropriate.

I’ve also gone through my Vagrant builds for 18c on OL8 and 19c on OL8. They work fine, although there isn’t a Vagrant box for OL8 yet, so I had to make my own using the method similar to this.

Remember, OL8 has only just come out, so the database is not certified on it yet. I’ve put at note a the top of the database installation guides saying as much.

The star of today’s video is Mahir M. Quluzade. He was grinning most of the way through filming this. 🙂



Oracle Database 18.7 Patch : Summary

I wrote a bunch of angry tweets yesterday about the 18.7 patch, which probably weren’t very coherent. I just thought I would summarise them here.

Before we start, I think it’s worth saying I try to keep things as vanilla as possible, so we rarely have problems with patches. I guess this is why I launched into these so quickly, and was surprised by how much hassle I had. So far I’ve only been doing the 18.7 patches on servers running OL6 (hence not upgraded to 19c yet). I have no idea at this point if patches for 19c and the lingering 12.1 instances will have problems or not (see updates below).

Issue 1

A few days ago I had upgraded a development database from to 18.6. The upgrade went fine. No worries. Yesterday I patched that same instance from 18.6 to 18.7. The datapatch run complained about invalid objects, specifically some of our packages (not Oracle packages) that were invalid, because database links they referenced were not working.

The schema in question contains some archived tables and code, and the servers these DB links reference no longer exist. In an ideal world all this would be cleaned up, but that would take development time that we don’t have. Welcome to the real world.

At the end of the datapatch run the PDB was left in restricted mode, so I did the following.

  • Granted restricted session to the user.
  • Proxied in.
  • Dropped the invalid objects in question.
  • Revoked restricted session from the user.
  • Ran datapatch again.

At the end of that I had a functioning instance.

That sounds like it was relatively smooth and controlled, but of there was lots of checking log files, Googling for bugs and all that stuff before I eventually just dropped the objects and moved on.

Issue 2 (Issue 1b)

The second issue was a kind-of rerun of the first. This time it was an upgrade from to 18.7 directly. This instance was similar to the previous one, as they were both clones of the same production instance. Unfortunately, I was doing this at the same time as the patch, so I couldn’t learn the lesson from the previous one.

The upgrade went fine until datapatch ran, then boom. Same problem has before. Also, same resolution, so I got through this pretty quick.

If I had completed the patch before starting this upgrade, I might have got though this with the preemptive cleanup, but maybe not. See Issue 3.

Issue 3

Having got through two development databases and learned the lessons, I did a preemptive cleanup of the offending objects from the UAT instance. It also was based on a clone of the same production database as the previous two.

Having done the clean-up, I started the upgrade from to 18.7 feeling pretty confident.

The upgrade went fine, but when it ran datapatch it failed with an issue that looked very much like that described in this MOS note Doc ID 2054286.1.

I say “looked very much like”, rather than “was this”, because that issue relates to patching multiple instances on the same machine at the same time. This was datapatch running against a single instance on this machine. The symptom looked the same…

The resolution for this was to run datapatch again. It just ran through fine. No drama.


I’m not looking forward to upgrading the production instance to 18.7. All these databases were clones of it, so I suspect I’m going to have some drama. Luckily the project can tolerate some downtime.

I’m also curious how the and 19c patches are going to play out… (see updates below).

So if you were following my various rants on Twitter yesterday and wondered why I was so angry, this is why. Keep in mind also, these were “background tasks” I threw in on top of the rest of the stuff I was meant to be doing yesterday.

I hope this was just a problem with my instances or me, not indicative of the quality of the patch. It is interesting that 18.6 was happy with it, but 18.7 was a nightmare…

Good luck everyone, and remember, don’t give me a job. I can’t be trusted… 🙂



Update 1: Sven-Olaf Hilmer wrote on Twitter.

“I have a problem with RMAN crashes on all patched DBs. Rollback to 190416 solves the problem. SR filed. 11.2,, 18, 19 are not affected.”

Update 2: Anil Vejendla wrote on Twitter.

“We are facing restricted mode issue for 12.2 after applying July patch and even after rollback also issue still persists.”

VirtualBox 6.0.10

VirtualBox 6.0.10 has been released.

The downloads and changelogs are in the usual places.

I’ve installed it on my Windows 10 laptop at work. I’ll install it on my Windows 10, macOS Mojave and Oracle Linux 7 hosts tonight and update here. (see update below)

I’ll be working through my Vagrant builds over the coming days, to check everything works OK. I’ll report back here if something comes out of the woodwork.



Update: The installations on Windows 10, macOS Mojave and Oracle Linux 7 worked fine. So far, all Vagrant builds are working as expecting.

Dbvisit 9.0.02 : Automatic Failover

I recently wrote about the release of Dbvisit 9, where I included a simple installation article and Vagrant build to get it up and running.

Yesterday I got an email about version 9.0.02, or 9.0.2 depending on how you want to write it. The interesting thing about this release is the introduction of an observer, which enables automatic failover. If you want to try it, there is a free trial available here.

Not surprisingly, the installation is very similar to the previous version, so I’ve updated my original article, and added the observer installation, setup and a quick automatic failover test.

I had to redo the screen shots as the “Configuratons” screen has changed a little to include the observer. I really don’t like taking screen shots!

My existing Vagrant build (here) worked fine. All I had to do was swap the version of the software in the directory, and Bob’s your uncle! Of course, that didn’t install and start the observer, so I did a couple of tweaks and now it does. If you fancy having a play with Dbvisit Standby, this Vagrant build is a really easy way to do it.

Happy days!



Video : CORR : Problem Solving using Analytic Functions

In today’s video we take a look at the CORR aggregate and analytic function.

This video is based on the information found here.

The star of this video is Vikki Lira, who used to be part of the team keeping the ACE program moving, but is now a Client Engagement Marketing Manager at Businessolver.

