Q: Is the CREATE JOB privilege required in 19c? A: No!

A couple of people have already written about a new feature in oracle 19c, which converts jobs created using DBMS_JOB into DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs.

I finally got round to writing up my notes about it here.

The conversion comes with rather interesting consequences.

The scheduler side of things is tighter. As Connor pointed out you now need the CREATE JOB privilege to use the DBMS_JOB package. That’s nice, but isn’t that the opposite of the title of this post? Yes, but…

The problem is the re-implementation of materialized refresh groups using the DBMS_REFRESH package didn’t seem to follow the same approach. You can create a refresh group, which creates a DBMS_SCHEDULER job, without needing the CREATE_JOB privilege. Once you own a job, you can amend it, which means there is now a method to create DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs without needing the CREATE JOB privilege. Doh! You can see an example of it in 19.3 here.


  • It’s clearly a bug, and I’m sure it will be picked up in a future release.
  • Although it seems pretty bad, remember the DBMS_REFRESH and DBMS_JOB packages are available by default and in previous releases you didn’t need the CREATE JOB privilege to them.
  • If this is a problem you can revoke execute on DBMS_REFRESH from PUBLIC, like you may have been doing for DBMS_JOB already.



PS. SR raised.

SR 3-20860955641 : Jobs can be created without the CREATE JOB privilege.

PPS. This is now Bug 30357828 and is being worked on.

Video : Docker : Oracle Database Build

Today’s video is a look at a simple Docker build for an Oracle database. In this example we are using Oracle database 19c on Oracle Linux 8 (oraclelinux:8-slim).

You can get an overview of this build in the following article.

You can see my other Docker posts and builds here.

The star of today’s video is “The Why Guy” Jim Czuprynski. 🙂



Video : Install Docker on Oracle Linux 7 (OL7)

Today’s video is a run through installing the Docker engine on Oracle Linux 7 (OL7).

You can get the commands mentioned in this video from the following article.

You can see my other Docker posts and builds here.

The star of today’s video is Robyn Sands, formerly of the Oracle Real World Performance Group, and now something to do with some fruit company… 🙂



Birmingham Digital & DevOps Meetup : August 2019

Yesterday evening I went along to the Birmingham Digital & DevOps Meetup for the first time. It followed the usual meetup format of quick intro, talk, break, talk then home.

First up was Elton Stoneman from Docker with “Just What Is A “Service Mesh”, And If I Get One Will It Make Everything OK?” The session started by describing the problems associated with communication between the building blocks of a system, and how a service mesh can alleviate some of them. It then moved on to some service mesh demos using Istio. These included examples of altering the routing of traffic to do canary testing and targeting specific groups etc.

Elton was really honest about the learning curve, issues and overhead associated with this sort of setup. One comment I really liked was when he showed a slide containing the following, saying that often people assume there is a progression from left to right.

Meaning people assume you learn Docker, then you need some form of orchestration so you learn Swarm. From there you naturally progress to Kubernetes and once you understand that, you will inevitably move on to a service mesh using something like Istio. Elton’s point was you don’t *have to* continue on this progression. You can step off at any point once you’ve achieved the functionality you need. I think this is a really important point and I can see it reflected in what I do with Docker. We’ve got some things that stop at just using Docker containers, with no orchestration at all. I work on a project that requires some orchestration, so we use Swarm, which is really easy to use. So far I’ve had no reason to go beyond Swarm, and even considering a service mesh is so far down the line for us. I’m not discounting the relevance of these for everyone, but they don’t make sense for me at this point.

It was a really good session and I learned a lot. You can check out Elton’s blog here.

After the break it was James Relph with “Container Security Fundamentals”. This started of with a basic introduction to containers, using that as an entry point to explain how containers can be problematic from a security perspective, and what you can do to reduce the impact. He covered a lot of stuff, some of which I already do, some I know about and some stuff that was new to me. This is not an exhaustive list.

  • Don’t automatically trust images from Docker hub. Do your due diligence, even when they are from a reputable source.
  • Use your own image repository. He mentioned ECR amongst others. This can be used for your own images, but also base images from Docker Hub, which you have verified.
  • Don’t use “latest”, but use specific tagged versions. Latest gives you all the latest fixes, but all the latest bugs too. You should test and verify before you let images out into your infrastructure.
  • Multi-stage builds to reduce the size of containers and minimise the attack surface. Basically, copy out what you need and leave the crap behind.
  • Using sidecar containers to provide specific services, allowing your application images to remain more focused. The sidecar images can be maintained by feature experts to make sure they are as secure as possible.
  • Scanning images using Clair, amongst other things, to check for dodgy software. One of the audience mentioned Anchore.
  • Using microVMs like Firecracker to provide additional isolation, whilst retaining the ease of use of containers. I’ve not played with this, but I have tried Kata Containers, which seems to do pretty much the same.

There was a lot in there!

I was a bit nervous going into the event thinking it would all go over my head, and some of it probably did, but it was cool. I got to speak to a few people before the event, during the break and at the end. It seemed like there were quite a mix of people there from beginners in these areas upward, so I didn’t feel out of place.

A few times I found myself thinking, that’s great, but what do I do about my 3rd party applications? I’ve written before (here) about how 3rd party apps screw everything up. 🙂

Thanks to Elton Stoneman and James Relph for taking the time to come and speak to us. Thanks to the folks from BrumDigitalDevOps for organising the event, and to Capgemini UK for sponsoring the event.



Video : Vagrant : Oracle Database Build (19c on OL8)

Today’s video is an example of using Vagrant to perform an Oracle database build.

In this example I was using Oracle 19c on Oracle Linux 8. It also installs APEX 19.1, ORDS 19.2, SQLcl 19.2, with ORDS running on Tomcat 9 and OpenJDK 12.

If you’re new to Vagrant, there is an introduction video here. There’s also an article if you prefer to read that.

If you want to play around with some of my other Vagrant builds, you can find them here.

If you want to read about some of the individual pieces that make up this build, you can find them here.

The star of today’s video is Noel Portugal. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen you dude!



Walk the walk : Delivering is more important than talking about delivering!

This post could be about so many things, but I’m going to try and keep it technology related.

I like to talk and clearly after 19+ years of doing the website and more than a decade of presenting it’s clear I’m not afraid of making my opinion known. I like to think it’s an educated opinion, based on experience and the ability to actually deliver on it, or be part of a group that delivers.

What I find increasingly difficult is dealing with people who can talk the talk, but can’t walk the walk. It’s really easy in our industry to say the right things and be seen as someone that is making a difference, when actually it’s all just hot air. All that really matters to me is that you can deliver. It’s nice if I like the people I work with, because it makes the workplace more pleasant, but that’s a bonus. I don’t have to like you to work with you. I just want you to deliver on what you promise.

The internet is both the greatest and the worst thing rolled into one. Everyone is a self-proclaimed expert about things before they’ve even finished reading the book. Everyone presents their “hello world” app as proof they’ve mastered the tech. Everyone is a certified rocket surgeon, but has never seen a rocket.

So what do you do when you encounter people like this? You ask questions! Most of these types break down under questioning. Drill into the subject and ask for examples of projects etc. If they know their stuff they should be able to answer, and will probably get a kick out of telling you about it. If not, just their manner will often give the game away, even if you know nothing about the subject yourself. As the saying goes, “You don’t need to know how to swim to recognise when someone is drowning!” It’s usually pretty easy to spot when someone is full of 💩. I know who you are!



PS. Don’t even get me started on idiots who can neither talk the talk, or walk the walk, but still seem to get promoted to their level of incompetence.

PPS. I work with several. Can you tell I’m pissed off?

I’m 2% DevOps, 3% agile and 4% automated because of 3rd party apps…

I was having a discussion with my boss about the impact of 3rd party apps on the way we work, and how difficult things are when you have to deal with 3rd party apps, as opposed to just writing your own software.

It’s easier to do things well when you are in control of all the pieces. Most of the examples you see are people writing their own software, typically on new projects. That’s very different to dealing with old projects and 3rd party apps. I’ll give you some examples, without trashing the companies responsible for this.

Example 1

Our student system is provided by a 3rd party. The company in question has a really antiquated way of delivering applications. In recent years they’ve tried to resolve this by writing their own delivery mechanism, made up of some custom software and Jenkins. The problem is, this is just a wrapper over the old process, so it is not the most reliable tool in the world. Someone like me would describe it as putting lipstick on a pig.

In addition to that, you have to use a GUI to perform the operations. At this point there is no API to allow you to script operations, which makes building them into a bigger process really problematic. We have internal development which is gradually moving to something resembling CI/CD, but it will never truly meet that goal, because we have to include manual management of things because of the limitations of the 3rd party software.

I’m sure long-term customers see the new delivery mechanism as a great improvement, but it’s not something you would deliver for a new product. It’s less painful than it was, but not really good.

Example 2

We have a publishing system that is written in Java and runs on Tomcat. It is so close to being hands-off, but there are a couple of problems.

  • When you deploy a new version, it starts in maintenance mode and you need manual interaction to click an OK button a few times on a web-based maintenance screen. I’ve never “not clicked” the OK button, so I just want a “just do it” option, so I can let it get on with it.
  • When some features are enabled by the power users, the next restart of the application flips you into maintenance mode. We’ve had P1 incidents because a host failure has caused the VM to start on a new host, and because a user has enabled a new feature in the app, the automatic startup stalls, waiting for me to click the OK button a few times.

There are some other annoyances, which impact on availability and possible topology, as well. There is no way to resolve these because of limitations in the application. All we can do is raise enhancement requests with the vendor.

I could go on with more examples, but I think you get the message.

So what do you do?

It can be quite disheartening when you want to do things well, but you have to keep compromising because of factors outside your control. You have to try not to give up, and just keep plugging away.

  • Don’t make unrealistic comparisons between your environment and others. There’s no point comparing your mixed environment to a software house. I’ve worked in both. They are very different. Take what works. Ditch what doesn’t.
  • Semi-automated processes are better than processes that are 100% manual. Maybe you can use Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate what is essentially a manual process.
  • Try to make sure these considerations become part of your procurement process, or you will keep buying crap.
  • Try to be creative and find workarounds, don’t just bury your head in the sand. There’s always *something* you can do to improve things.
  • Even if something is terrible, that doesn’t stop you improving the processes around it.

I guess you should focus on the values, rather than trying to exactly match some prescriptive ideal.

Good luck!

I wrote a series of posts about automation here.



PS. I’m pretty sure my boss is reading this laughing, as I’m following none of this advice myself, but instead stomping round the place like a thirteen year old having a strop because, “Everything is crap!” 🙂

ORDS, SQLcl, SQL Developer 19.2 (Vagrant and Docker Builds)

The folks at Oracle dropped some new presents for us today, including version 19.2 of the following.

I’ve updated my Vagrant builds and ORDS Docker builds with the new versions and everything seems to be working fine so far.

Tomorrow I’ll probably try out some of our development ORDS containers with these releases and see how they work out. They are similar to this build, so I’m sure they will be fine…



Update: I rolled ORDS 19.2 out to all our Dev/Test environments this morning. We run them all on Docker, so it was really quick and easy. 🙂