Video : SQLcl : Data Pump (Part 2)

In today’s video we demonstrate table-level export and imports using the integration between SQLcl and Data Pump.

This video builds on the first video, so it makes sense to watch that first.

Both these videos are based on this article.

I have a few articles on other SQLcl features, which you can find here.

The star of today’s video is Craig Shallahamer. Craig is the only person I know who defies the first law of thermodynamics, as he’s able to produce more energy than he consumes. If you’ve seen him teach or present, you’ll know what I mean. If you haven’t, you really should! πŸ™‚



ORDS, SQLcl, SQL Developer and SQL Data Modeler New Releases (21.4.x)

We’ve got some early Christmas presents!

I’ve updated my Docker and Vagrant builds to use the new versions of ORDS and SQLcl. You can see them here.

You can read Jeff Smith‘s announcement posts here, which include an overview of some of the new features.

Only the SQL Developer and Data Modeler releases were as a result the Log4j issue. They are client tools, so they are not really a threat, but it’s good to get the updates through so fast.

You have permission to open your presents early! 😁



Updates to Vagrant and Docker Builds : ORDS and SQLcl 21.2

The 21.2 version of ORDS and SQLcl dropped at the start of the month. I guess I missed that, as the first I noticed was Alex Nuijten talking about SQLcl 21.2 nearly two weeks later. As soon as I realised they had arrived I downloaded them and went to work.

All of the relevant Vagrant and Docker builds were updated to use ORDS 21.2, SQLcl 21.2 and Tomcat 9.0.50.

You can check out what’s new in this post by Jeff Smith.

The Oracle security patches come out next week, so these builds will be updated again to include the latest versions of OpenJDK (AdoptOpenJDK) and the Oracle database patches where necessary.

SQL Developer and Database Modeler

These aren’t anything to do with my builds, but thought is was worth mentioning. The 21.2 version of SQL Developer and Data Modeler have been available for the last few days. You can read Jeff’s announcement here.



Vagrant and Docker Builds: ORDS 20.4, SQLcl 20.4 and Database Patches

The January Oracle quarterly patches were released yesterday, which prompted me to do some new builds.

We got Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) 20.4 and SQLcl 20.4, which I use in a number of my Vagrant and Docker builds, so I updated them and ran some builds.

The Vagrant database builds, which include ORDS, can be found here.

The Docker ORDS builds can be found here.

I also updated Tomcat to 9.0.41 and OpenJDK to 11.0.10_9 from AdoptOpenJDK.

Once I finished those I decided to try out the Oracle database 19c (19.10) OJVM+DB combo patch on a single instance build. That went fine. You can see that build here.

Since that went OK, I figured it was worth trying to update my OL8 19c RAC build with the 19.10 OJVM+GI combo patch. That also went fine. You can see that build there.

I wasn’t really expecting to cover so much ground so quickly, but that’s the great thing about automation. πŸ™‚

Tomorrow I’ve got to start putting together all the patch scripts for work. It’s always a bit tedious because I have to deal with a lot more products and variations, and I have to make sure I don’t screw up. Happy patching… πŸ™‚



PS. If you are interesting in ORDS, SQLcl, Vagrant or Docker, these might help.

Vagrant & Docker Builds : ORDS and SQLcl 20.3

In a previous post I discussed the recent release of APEX 20.2 and the subsequent builds it triggered. Last night I pulled down ORDS 20.3 and SQLcl 20.3, so I updated my Vagrant and Docker builds again.

The ORDS download page is here. At the time of writing, the SQLcl download page is still showing 20.2, but the SQL Developer download page has a link for the 20.3 SQLcl download at the bottom. Both these versions have been available for about a week. Update: It’s showing 20.3 on both SQLcl pages now. πŸ™‚


All my GitHub Vagrant builds that include ORDS and SQLcl have been updated to use version 20.3.

I had previously updated Tomcat, and a few days ago I updated Java as soon as AdoptOpenJDK was available.


This is pretty much the same as the Vagrant story.

The relevant GitHub Docker builds, like the ORDS containers, have been updated to include ORDS and SQLcl 20.3.

They are on the latest release of Tomcat and Java from AdoptOpenJDK.


As always, this is made simple using automation! πŸ™‚



Video : Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) for SQLcl

In today’s video we give a demonstration of Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) for SQLcl. SODA is a feature of Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS),
but this allows to access the document store directly from SQLcl.

This video is based on the following article.

You might find these useful.

The star of today’s video is Kris Rice, who’s essentially singing “dot com” underwater. πŸ™‚



Vagrant and Docker Builds : ORDS 20.2 and SQLcl 20.2 Updates

The recent Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) 20.2 release prompted my usual reaction. I’ve gone through my Vagrant and Docker builds, and updated them to use ORDS 20.2 and SQLcl 20.2.

The Vagrant database builds, which include ORDS, can be found here.

The Docker ORDS builds can be found here.

There were also some small Tomcat mods.

  • Tomcat upgraded to 9.0.37.
  • HTTP/2 enabled.
  • Compression enabled.
  • Cache-Control enabled for images, CSS and Javascript.

All that went pretty well so as soon as I got to work yesterday I rolled ORDS 20.2 to all non-production environments, and a few “not yet production” environments. If you follow the blog you will know we use Docker for ORDS (similar to my Github builds). It makes rolling out a new version really simple. Just throw away all the containers and replace them with the spangly new ones.

If it’s looking OK after a few days we’ll push it out to the remaining production installations.



Video : SQLCL and Liquibase : Deploying Oracle Application Express (APEX) Applications

In today’s video we’ll give a quick demonstration of deploying an APEX application using the SQLcl implementation of Liquibase.

I Know what you’re thinking. Didn’t I do this video two weeks ago? The answer is yes and no. This video is very similar to the Liquibase video I did two weeks ago, but that was using the Liquibase Pro client. This video uses the SQLcl implementation of Liquibase, and more specifically the runOracleScript tag to achieve the same thing.

The video is based on this article, which has an example of deploying an APEX workspace and an APEX application.

If you are new to Liquibase and SQLcl, you might find it easier to start with these.

The stars of today’s video are the offspring of Jeff Smith. I had been annoying Jeff on Twitter DMs while he was meant to be on holiday, so I agreed to pay him back by turning his children into international megastars. I take no responsibility for how they handle the fame! πŸ˜‰

