Video : SQLcl : Data Pump (Part 2)

In today’s video we demonstrate table-level export and imports using the integration between SQLcl and Data Pump.

This video builds on the first video, so it makes sense to watch that first.

Both these videos are based on this article.

I have a few articles on other SQLcl features, which you can find here.

The star of today’s video is Craig Shallahamer. Craig is the only person I know who defies the first law of thermodynamics, as he’s able to produce more energy than he consumes. If you’ve seen him teach or present, you’ll know what I mean. If you haven’t, you really should! 🙂




In today’s video we demonstrate the TRUNCATE TABLE … CASCADE feature added in Oracle 12.1.

The video is based on this article.

The star of today’s video is Øyvind Isene, who reluctantly took a break from his coffee to let me film this clip. 🙂



Video : JSON Data Type in Oracle Database 21c

In today’s video we demonstrate the JSON data type, introduced in Oracle database 21c.

The video is based on this article.

It assumes knowledge of existing JSON support in the Oracle database. If you are not familiar with the functionality Oracle have been including in the database since Oracle 12c, you might want to check out these.

The star of today’s video is my sister-in-law Maria Colgan. As if being related to me by marriage is not enough of a claim to fame, she is also the current reigning queen of the Oracle database. Long live the Queen!



Video : Read-Only Partitions and Subpartitions in Oracle 12.2 Onward

In today’s video we’ll discuss read-only partitions and subpartitions, introduced in Oracle 12.2.

This is based on the following article.

You might find these useful too.

The star of today’s video is Chris Saxon of AskTom fame. You can check out his YouTube channel here.



Video : Online Conversion of a Non-Partitioned Table to a Partitioned Table in Oracle 12.2 Onward

Today’s video demonstrates the online conversion of a non-partitioned table to a partitioned table. This functionality was introduced in Oracle 12.2.

The examples in the video are taken from this article.

I actually did some rewrites of the article in the process. I noticed a couple of things in it were “less than ideal”. 🙂

The star of today’s video is Roland Smart, who was formerly the VP of Social and Community Marketing at Oracle, which meant he was the boss of the ACE program at the time. He’s since moved on to other marketing-related stuff…



Video : Online Segment Shrink for Tables : Free Unused Space

In today’s video we’ll give a demonstration of how to shrink tables that contain a lot of free space. As I say in the video, this is not something you should do regularly. It’s only necessary if you’ve done some drastic one-off maintenance, like a large data purge maybe.

There are a few articles this relates to.

The star of today’s video is Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman, who is returning to her Oracle roots, but on Azure. 🙂



Video : Override External Table Parameters and Inline External Tables in Oracle Database

Today’s video gives a quick demonstration of overriding external table parameters and inline external tables introduced in Oracle database 12.2 and 18c respectively.

There is a more general video on external tables here.

For those of you that don’t do YouTube, you can read all the articles here.

The cameo on this video is Ilmar Kerm, in a really noisy bar. 🙂



Video : Table Point In Time Recovery (PITR) in Oracle Database 12c

It’s been a while, but here is a the latest video.

If videos aren’t your thing, you can read the articles here.

The star of this video is Uwe Hesse, who I recorded at UKOUG Tech 15. Yes, I did mean “15”. I have a bit of a backlog to work through. 🙂



PS. Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.