This keyboard rules…


Check out this keyboard.

I don’t know what I would do with it, but I need it 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

5 thoughts on “This keyboard rules…”

  1. It is certainly cool, but what happens to all your keys when the power goes out? How can you see what you’re typing?

    (The above was totally and completely tongue-in-cheek. If you are attempting to operate your computer during a power failure, with no UPS, you may as well return it to the place of purchase and buy a fishtank).

  2. I started to read this and thought, “Get a grip Bill!”, but then I read the text in braces 🙂



  3. How can you see what you typing when the power goes out?
    Easy: you look at the screen, of course! Then when you
    need to ^H^H^H because you can’t touch type, you snarf
    some white-out from the blonde in accounting and proceed
    to blank the wrong pixels on the screen.
    Sheesh, do I have to explain EVERYTHING around here?
    (d&r, vvf)

  4. How can you see what you typing when the power goes out?
    Easy: you look at the screen, of course! Then when you
    need to ^H^H^H because you can’t touch type, you snarf
    some white-out from the blonde in accounting and proceed
    to blank the wrong pixels on the screen.

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