Oracle ACE of the Year…


I got home last night to find a message on my phone trying to arrange an interview for Oracle Magazine about being “Oracle ACE of the Year”. Needless to say this was a bit of a shock, since it was the first thing I’d heard about it.

It seems Oracle Magazine had already contacted me about it, but either my spam filter had deleted the message, or I deleted it without reading it. 🙁

Anyway, I did the interview later that night and I’ve got to have a photo taken for the magazine. The profile and photo will be in the November/December issue of Oracle Magazine.

This year has been totally mad. First I get nominated as an ACE, then this. It’s all a bit scary and humbling.

This award went to Mark Rittman last year, so I expect him to pass on the sash and tiara in November. I’ll try not to do a Gwyneth Paltrow. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

14 thoughts on “Oracle ACE of the Year…”

  1. The Brits take it again! Well done, well deserved.

    Sounds like a similiar situation to me last year. I actually got the email from Oracle saying I’d got the award but with no other real details. When I had the interview, I had to tell the interviewer why I thought I’d got the award, what I did and so on. Still it’s a nice bit of recognition, I was wondering who would get the award this year, it’s good it’s gone to you (although you’re lucky it didn’t go to the bloke who ripped your site off!)



  2. Congratulations Tim…

    For reasons I may later announce on my blog, I will not be able to attend OpenWorld. I will miss seeing you on the thrown 🙂

    Well deserved ACE of the year.

  3. Wow, Oracle recognizes Mark last year and you this year. A track record of intelligent choices is being established, I hope someone is keeping track of this.

    Congrats on a well-deserved “Ace”.

    Bill S.

  4. Hi,

    Just came across your site and I am intrested in picking up some oracle skills :), I am a unix admin and know my way around linux (variouos flavours) and solaris reasonably well. I was wondering if you could email me some good links (book details) which would help me get started on becoming a DBA.

  5. Tim, realy realy congratulations on winning this award. You have been/are/remain my teacher on the forums of oacle-base and its really nice to hear about a teacher
    Many Many Regards

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