Random stuff…


After a few days off with an annoying cold, I’m back in action. I’ve got a Karate course this weekend and I’m not really feeling up for it, but I have to go or I’m not allowed to go to any others for the rest of the year. If you miss selection the year is totaled! 🙁 I’m going to use the wonder drug that is Lemsip to get me through it. 🙂

I added SnapShots to my blog and my aggregator. I like having the preview, rather than having to click on every link to see what it’s pointing to. They are configurable so if they annoy you you can switch them off. I guess most people read this blog via the RSS feed, so it won’t make a difference anyway.

I’ve been messing about with loads of Web 2.0 stuff recently, but today I’ve actually done some tidying up. I closed my StumbleUpon and MySpace accounts. I’ve not used StumbleUpon for ages and now it’s grown into another social network site it seemed pointless keeping it. I’ve never used my MySpace account, so closing it is no big deal.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

5 thoughts on “Random stuff…”

  1. Good luck closing your Facebook account (if you have one). Let us know how you get on. Despite complying with all their stupid requirements (expunging all content), FB still stubbornly refuse to delete, as opposed to inactivating, my account.

    Some people worry about Google and data protection but I worry about Facebook.

  2. Hi.

    My Facebook account will live on for a while. I only use it for friends, not work or Oracle related stuff, so it still comes in handy. I have removed most of the plugins though. It’s now like a virgin Facebook profile. 🙂



  3. Better get another CPU in your server for the onslaught of traffic desperately searching for ‘virgin facebook’ 🙂

    Funnily enough, that was how I landed here 🙂

  4. I too have similar accounts of immortal facebook accounts. I guess a lesson, not to publish too much on the web. I have also come across horror stories where Gmail accounts got hijacked and hence deleted by Google without the owner having any way to restore it.

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