I’m alive…


The operation went well and I’m back home now. They gave me a local in my arm as well as the general anesthetic, so when I came round everything felt fine. It’s starting to wear off now so it feels a bit nasty. I think I will hit the drugs in a bit. No point trying to be a hero. ๐Ÿ™‚

The ulna nerve was trapped in 2 places either side of my elbow. The surgeon was actually surprised at how constricted the nerve was in both locations, which made the operation harder than he expected. That all means it’s going to take longer than expected before we know if the current nerve damage is permanent or if it will heal. I’m typing with the hand now, so if all the operation has done is prevent the problem getting worse I’ll be happy.

I see the surgeon again next week. The stitches come out in about 10-14 days. It will be anywhere up to 6 months before we know how successful its been. Hopefully I’ll get some grip strength back and get full movement back, but who knows.

So it’s all looking good for ODTUG, where my scar will be on display and I expect massive amounts of attention and sympathy. ๐Ÿ™‚



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

6 thoughts on “I’m alive…”

  1. Dear Tim,

    Good to know that everything went well, my best wishes on your recovery, and hoping to see you soon in NZ ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Let me know if you need anything.


    Francisco Munoz Alvarez

  2. Dang, wasn’t aware you were going for surg.
    Hope it all gets better soon, and make sure whatever it is doesn’t interfere with all the proper arm movements at ODTUG!

  3. Hi Tim,

    My wishes for a speedy recovery! Hope to see you again at OOW and CLOUG II this year.


  4. Glad to hear you emerged on the other side safe and sound Tim.

    Hope the operation proves to be a success and, just go easy on that hand, eh.

  5. Hi sir,

    Wish you a very speedy recovery and I am sorry, I didn’t read it before!

    Please take good care of yours!


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