Oracle games console…


What is this years big OpenWorld announcement?

It’s not Oracle Database 11g Release 2, that’s already been announced and released. It’s not Exadata 2, that’s already announced.

So what can be so important it has relegated 11gR2 and Exadata to pre-OOW announcements, so as not to detract from the real message?

The Oracle Games Console. Working title OBox-720…

Get your first hands-on at OOW 2009…



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

9 thoughts on “Oracle games console…”

  1. That’s what I’ve been waiting for, John!

    There is more than one app for everything, so it won’t hurt to add to the masses 😉

    YIXE (pronounced Yikes!) Your Iphone eXpress Edition.

  2. I like the idea of the OBox-720 (or should that be ExaBox-720g)? Maybe it has only one game, with graphical representations of data blocks on disk and in memory, pipes representing I/O and network channels, etc. Person who gets the right blocks out to the client fastest wins. Needs a snappier name than “Crowdsourced Manual Query Optimization,” though. 😉

  3. This site was simply great i like it because i like to listen songs playing games discuss about internet…
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  4. I wonder what the first killer game will be?

    Meanwhile unlike Sony or Nintendo, Oracle will never bend to reducing the licensing costs, and in true Larry fashion, will charge for support. Hardware is a “pending-EU approval” Sun Sparc chip, that runs Java, yet the front end is written in Apex. Of course on version 2, none of the version 1 games will be supported, leaving many consumers bewildered.


  5. This rumor was just explicitly DENIED at the Oracle ACE Director briefing. As we all know, the only reason anyone would directly deny a rumor like this is if it’s true.

    I just heard someone in the hall talking about the “Big O.” I’m pretty sure she was talking about the name for the new game console.

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