What happens when 12c Cloud Control runs out of disk space?


Question: What happens when 12c Cloud Control runs out of disk space?

Answer: It doesn’t work very well. 🙂

I have a 12c Cloud Control installation on an Oracle Linux 6.1 VM and I was pushing an agent to both nodes of an RAC, also on OL6.1 VMs. The agent installation seemed to go fine and the agent upload to CC was fine, but when I tried to discover the database on the nodes it went a bit loopy. After a little messing about I noticed my disk was maxed out on the 12c CC server. Bummer!

So I turned off the VM, added another virtual disk, turned it back on and added the new disk to the existing volume. Bob’s your uncle!

Once Cloud Control was running the database discovery worked fine and it was full steam ahead. 🙂

Before I realized my mistake I was starting to think this was OL6.1 related, but as it stands I’ve still seen no ill effects of running Cloud Control or RAC on Oracle Linux 6.1.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.