UKOUG: I’m now speaking on Monday…


A couple of slots opened up in the UKOUG schedule due to cancellations and a message came through the OakTable mailing list asking if anyone could fill them. Alex Gorbachev and myself stepped up to the plate.

This means I’m now speaking about Clonedb on Monday at 11:05 in the Media Suite. See here.

The downsides to this are:

  • I’m now up against Connor McDonald who is always brilliant, so I won’t get to see his talk and he’ll soak up all the attendees.
  • I’m also up against Greg Rahn‘s session on Real-Time SQL Monitoring. I saw this at OOW and it’s well worth seeing.
  • One of my Brummie mates wants to come and watch me present, which will make me nervous as hell, especially if he is the only person in the audience.

On the positive side:

  • It will be my first presentation at the UKOUG conference. Long story… 🙂
  • My Brummie mate will actually go to see Connor, which means there will be nobody in the room, so I can blog about how awesome I was.
  • The adrenalin rush associated with presenting will help to delay the inevitable illness I get at the end of the year when all my presentations are over. Maybe I will actually make it to the end of UKOUG this year…

So if you fancy coming along to heckle me on Monday morning, you know where I am. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

7 thoughts on “UKOUG: I’m now speaking on Monday…”

  1. OMG. It really will be an empty room. 🙂

    I saw your session at OOW. That’s a tough time slot. I think most people could definitely do with seeing both yours and Connor’s sessions.

    I’ve added a mention of your session into the post, just to reduce my numbers further. I’ll take a book to read during my session. 🙂



  2. Hey Tim,

    Well I can virtually attend your session. By the way what the heck is a brummie?

  3. I bet it’s going to feel strange not having to endure a 12 hour journey to present… Then again, you never know with Birmingham traffic 😉

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