Oracle OpenWorld 2013 : It’s a wrap


I’m back home from my 8th Oracle OpenWorld. Here are the posts I wrote during the event.

Each OpenWorld has a different feel. If there wasn’t a single presentation or keynote this year it wouldn’t really have affected my experience, because it was all about the OTN Lounge for me.

As most of you know, I am at OpenWorld as part of the Oracle ACE program and I take that kind-of seriously. This year I spent the vast majority of my time in the OTN Lounge, doing both the RAC Attack and just generally chatting to attendees. It’s interesting to see how much help people need navigating the conference. Being a bit of a veteran I spent a lot of time speaking to people, helping them decide their angle of attack. 🙂 The OTN Lounge was smaller than previous years, but the location was excellent. In previous years there was more space, but it felt kind-of isolated. This year we were based in the Moscone South concourse, so there was lots of “passing trade”. I don’t know how others felt about it, but I thought it worked really well.

Here come the thank you messages:

  • A big thank you goes out to the whole OTN crowd and the Oracle ACE Program for sorting this out again. I am a big fan of what you are doing and I’m very grateful for being part of it.
  • Thanks go out to everyone involved in RAC Attack this year. There were a lot of people involved behind the scenes who didn’t make it to the conference. Your efforts are very much appreciated by all of us.
  • Thanks to the Dbvisit team for VIPing me at the appreciation event. I could get used to that. 🙂 A great night with a great group of people.
  • Thanks to everyone who let me bug them for information. The staff on the demo grounds and all the other Oracle ACEs are a great source of information, which helps speed up the learning process greatly.
  • Finally, thanks to everyone I met during the event who helped to make it fun.

Let’s see what next year bring! 🙂





Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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