OTN Yathra 2014 : Bangalore


Yesterday’s flight to Bangalore was pretty quick, about 80 minutes if I remember correctly. We landed and were picked up by a car from the hotel. We were told the traffic would be terrible in Bangalore, but it wasn’t too bad. Debra managed to keep her eyes open for much of the journey. There were also a lot fewer car horns in comparison to Hyderabad. 🙂

The Marriott in Bangalore is very swish indeed and of course it has a buffet for dinner! 🙂 I slept OK, but felt quite tired this morning. I think the events of the week are starting to get to me…

At the conference today, my sessions were at 15:00 and 17:00, so after the introductory session, I went to the speaker room, which was open to the attendees so we could chat in small groups. I played with APEX, between chatting to attendees and listening to Debra speaking to attendees about Fusion Apps.

After my first session I watched Supriya Ananth do a session on Pattern Matching in 12c, which was very interesting. I think I’m starting to understand it, but it’s going to take a lot of practice. Then it was back to me for the final session of the day. The group were asking lots of questions, which I love, but it did make me overrun by 20 minutes and there were still more questions to answer at the end. 🙂

Thanks to everyone at the Oracle office for another great day and thanks to everyone who came along to the talks, especially those that put me on the spot with some really good questions. It would have been nice if there was more time to just sit and chat about Oracle, but sadly, that was not to be.

So that was my penultimate event. Tomorrow I fly to Chennai for the last event on Saturday…



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

7 thoughts on “OTN Yathra 2014 : Bangalore”

  1. Hi Tim;

    I am big time reader of Oracle-Base, just came to know that you are in Bangalore, sadly I am not with Oracle corp., otherwise I would got a chance to meet you,

    anyway I am are very happy that you are in our country and please enjoy your stay

    Very Big thanks for the entire topic which you have shared on Base :)and it is very helpful for us all the time…

    Thanks again!!!

  2. Santhosh: The OTN Yathra 2014 tour was not an Oracle-only event. Oracle kindly supplied the location for free, hence us being at the Oracle building. Anyone could register for the event, so you could have come. 🙁

    I suggest you join the All India Oracle Users Group (AIOUG) and keep an eye out for upcoming events, including the annual conference, that Tom Kyte is coming to this year, and future tours. You wouldn’t want to miss out on future events in the same way.



  3. OMG I really missed it!! felling very bad 🙁 , I will make sure, will not miss anymore (I will register AIOUG)

    It will helpful, if you could share your presentation.

    Thanks Tim !!


  4. Hi Tim,
    The event was really nice, few things were a bit going over my head, will have to work on the topics to get more knowledge.
    This was my 1st time that i have attended any Oracle events, had good experience having Oracle Guru’s share their knowledge.


  5. Syed: It’s good if a few things go over your head, as it shows there is still more to learn. 🙂

    I’m glad you enjoyed it.



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