OUGN : Day 1


The journey to Norway was pretty straight forward, but during the second flight, from Amsterdam to OSLO, my nose and eyes started to stream. I didn’t feel ill, but I was starting to worry I might be getting ill right before a conference. I landed in Norway, got the train to the centre of OSLO and walked to my hotel. I was meant to go out to dinner, but I figured bed might be a better option…

The next day we met up and headed off to the boat to begin the conference. After boarding, we went to the keynotes. Since these were in Norwegian, a few of use ended up at the back of the room chatting. 🙂 As soon as I got access to my room I headed on up to check it out. I’ve been on one of these ferry/cruise ships before and I think they are kind of cute.

After some food it was off to the first sesson of the day. I went to Connor McDonald speaking about Analytics. I’ve been to a number of different talks on analytic functions over the years, including my own. It’s kind-of cool to see how different people approach the same subject and what they focus on compared to you.

Next up it was my session. Compressing a 60 minute session, that I always overrun on, into 45 minutes was a challenge and I had to miss some stuff out, but it’s all good. I got some good feedback after the session, which is also nice for the ego. 🙂

From there is was on to Lasse Jenssen‘s session on version control in the database. I really enjoyed this session as it raised lots of important discussion points! After all these years, there is still not a single product that really does everything, but there are a number of products like Red Gate SQL Source Control, that are coming closer to the mark.

After that I got locked in conversation with a number people and missed the next session. I spent a long time talking to Cary Millsap about a whole bunch of stuff unrelated to technology. Then it was off to the evening drinks and dinner, where I sat with Cary and Connor. Once again, lots of chat about none technical stuff. Pretty cool!

At about midnight we decided to head off to bed and I bumped into Brynn Llewellyn, who asked if he could have a quick word with me. Two hours later we eventually knocked that conversation on the head and I actually went to bed. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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