OUGN : Summary


With the exception of a 5+ hour layover in Amsterdam, the trip home was pretty straight forward. I flew to Amsterdam with Lonneke Dikmans, Ronald Luttikhuizen and Roel Hartman. During my rather excessive layover, I played catchup with all the internet stuff I missed during the trip… 🙂

I must say OUGN 2014 was a pretty cool event all round! The speaker lineup was incredible. The location (on a boat) was fun. I’ve not done that for a while. In addition to the presentations, I got a lot of time to talk to people about technology, which is what I love doing, so that made me happy…

Big thanks to the organisers of the event for inviting me and paying the bill for the boat and hotel room! Thanks to all the speakers and attendees that managed to put up with me for a couple of days. On a boat, there is nowhere to run! Thanks also to OTN and the Oracle ACE Program. They didn’t fund this trip for me, but I’m still happy to be flying the flag on their behalf. 🙂




Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.