VirtualBox 5.0


virtualboxOracle VirtualBox 5.0 has been released. You can see the Oracle Virtualization Blog announcement here, which includes a link to the official announcement.

Downloads and changelog in the normal places.

I’m downloading… Now!



Update: Up and running on my Windows 7 PC at work. Will have to wait until tonight to do it on the Mac and Linux boxes at home… 🙂

Update 2: Running fine on Mac too. 🙂

Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

10 thoughts on “VirtualBox 5.0”

  1. Mark: The automatic check normally takes a day or so to notice. I always to impatient for that. 🙂



  2. 🙂 I saw it yesterday …questioned myself hmmm It seems from 4.3.28 jumped to 5.0. Then there might be much improvements….

    Well, I would be more than happy if the Snapshots do not eat away space..that’s really eating away much space… (Curious to check this especially)

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