OTN Tour of Latin America 2015 : AROUG, Argentina – Day 2


I mentioned in the previous post we were spending the day sightseeing today. Last time I was in Buenos Aires I did a bus tour. You can see some of the photos here.

This time Debra, Mike, Cindy and I went on a private tour in a minibus. I took the GoPro with me, so I’ve got a bunch of super wide angle photos (here). I’m sure anyone who does photography will laugh at them, but they look fine to me, so long as you look at them on a large screen. 🙂

It was a really nice day. We got back early, so Mike could go back to the conference to do his final session. Debra, Cindy and I spent the rest of the day chilling in the executive lounge at the Hilton, taking advantage of the free internet. It’s good when you are with people to have a good honors (not honours) status! 🙂

We were there for a few hours, but at about 20:00 we headed off for the airport. Debra also gets access to the lounge at the airport, so we spent 25 minutes there before heading for the plane.

I’ve already posted all my thank you messages, but once again, thanks Argentina! I hope to see you soon!

On the flight I watched Project Almanac, which was kind-of predictable, but good. After a little over two hours we were in Sau Paulo. Last time I came to Sau Paulo the taxi ride to the hotel was very slow as the traffic was a nightmare. Travelling at 02:00 meant the roads were quiet and we breezed through to the hotel. I was in bed by 03:00. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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