OBUG Tech Days Belgium 2019 : Day 1


The day started at my normal wake-up time. My flight wasn’t until 10:50, but I decided the leave for the airport really early to avoid traffic. It makes no difference to me if I’m at home on my laptop, in the airport on my laptop, or at work… 🙂

The only thing of note from the airport was me trying to scan through boarding security with my conference ticket, which of course failed, but they let me through anyway. Interesting…

The flight was scheduled for 75 minutes, but it took about 55 minutes, so we clawed some time back. Once landed and through security I headed off to get a train to Antwerp. The train took about 45 minutes, then it was a 2K walk to the venue, arriving fashionably late for the first day!

I arrived in time to see Frits Hoogland presenting “All about Linux memory usage by the Oracle database”. I’ve seen him present this session before, but I’m so rubbish at the subject, it still felt new. 🙂

From there it was Mike Dietrich presenting “Upgrade your Oracle databases fully unattended with AutoUpgrade”. I had a number of questions for Mike, both in the session and afterwards. From what I can see this features looks like it will be really useful.

Finally I watched Jonathan Lewis with “Why Oracle statistics aren’t enough”, where he showed a number of scenarios where statistics are ignored, leading to “interesting” decisions by the optimizer.

When the talks were done there was a social event with drinks and nibbles. We then went out to get some food, walked half way round the city by mistake, then went back to the hotel to crash!



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.