8 years and counting…


I just noticed today is the 8 year anniversary of working for my current company.

I wrote a blog post about the interview before I got the job (here).

About 3 months after I started the job I wrote an update post, and clearly wasn’t too happy with the way things were going (here).

There was a rather unenthusiastic post about my four year anniversary (here).

Now here I am after eight years and I’m still having the same arguments about my role on an almost daily basis. It’s like a bad relationship I can’t break free from. Some sort of He Hit Me (And It Felt Like A Kiss) kind-of thing.

Let’s see what this next year brings…



PS. At least now I’m working from home, which is better.

PPS. Thanks to the people who contacted me out of concern. This is not a cry for help. 🙂 You really don’t need to worry about me. Every job has pros and cons. This job has lots of cons, but there are some pros too. At the moment the pros still outweigh the cons (just about). If that changes, I’ll take a few years off work again. This is not drama. Just how I feel…

Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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