Oracle Database 21c : Installation Articles, Vagrant and Docker Builds


As you have no doubt heard, Oracle database 21c was released on Friday. I went to work over the weekend doing the relevant articles and builds. They’ve been on the front page of the website since Sunday, but I was waiting for the release of the 21c preinstall package before announcing them. That has arrived now, so this is what I was up to at the weekend.

Installation Articles

First the articles for single instance, Data Guard, RAC and RPM installations.


There are a bunch of associated Vagrant builds on Oracle Linux 8 and 7.

Single instance database installs, using the conventional installation method, and the RPM installation.

Data Guard installs.

RAC installs.


There are two database builds for 21c database in containers.


As I wrote in my previous post, Oracle 21c is an innovation release. It’s good to play with this, but be careful when considering it for production.



PS. I’m struggling to notice the difference between “21” and “12” when reading at the moment. 🙂

Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

4 thoughts on “Oracle Database 21c : Installation Articles, Vagrant and Docker Builds”

  1. Nice concise articles as always, Tim. Looks just like 19c.

    I’ve just spent 6 months on an Exadata Cloud@Customer (Gen 2) project where their newest db version is 12.2 and they want to avoid containers like the plague. To that end, we used the C@C tooling to provision non-CDB Oracle homes for 12.x. Out of curiosity (and knowing Oracle mandates** PDBs post 12.x), do you know if 21c would create a non-PDB if you plied it with beer, a Melton Mowbray and asked nicely?

    Also any comments on 21c/23c and the move towards TDE becoming more prevalent? Happy to discuss offline.

  2. Stephen: They claim non-CDB is dead in 21c. It’s desupported, so that means most companies will not consider it. I have no idea if it is actually possible to run it, and to be honest I don’t care. The desupport notice is the killer for me.

    Regarding TDE, it is now the default on Oracle Cloud. I can’t see it becoming the default on-prem any time soon. For a start it’s not available on SE, and it requires the Advanced Security option, so you can’t make it a default. Added to that, it makes the wat some operations work different. For example transportable tablespace and PDB cloning between CDBs. It would be a brave person that made it the default and had to deal with people literally losing their data because of it. 🙂

  3. Hi Tim,

    I read the article on installation steps but I am not able to run commands like yum. I have Ubuntu installed on my VMWare machine, is it not possible to install Oracle Database 21c in Ubuntu?

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