Video : Multitenant : Dynamic CPU Scaling – Resource Manager Control of CPU using CPU_COUNT and CPU_MIN_COUNT

In today’s video we’ll discuss how Resource Manager can control CPU usage in PDBs using the CPU_COUNT and CPU_MIN_COUNT parameters. Oracle call this Dynamic CPU Scaling. This can be useful to stop a small number of PDBs using all CPU resources assigned to the instance.

This video is based on the following article.

Most of this information was in my instance caging article, but I’ve moved it into this separate article now.

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The star of today’s video is Bailey. He has a human called Connor McDonald. I suspect Bailey got is human to voice the video…



Video : Instance Caging to Manage CPU Usage

In today’s video we’ll discuss instance caging to manage CPU usage. This can be useful when we are trying to consolidate multiple instances on a single server.

This video is based on the following article.

The star of today’s video is the beard belonging to Victor Torres. I feel totally inadequate with my patchy stubble… 🙂

