Presentation Feedback and Future Direction

I recently had some feedback from UKOUG Tech 16 and OUG Ireland. I was pleased with the evaluation numbers, but if I’m honest I find it hard to judge a lot by them. I typically get a lower score for “quality of slides” compared to the other areas, but I can’t really argue about that. The number of evaluations that include comments is a small fraction of the total evaluations returned, but it’s the first thing my eyes are drawn to. This is what I got, exactly as I was sent it, including punctuation, or lack of. 🙂

UKOUG Tech16

  • Excellent hype-free common-sense
  • Excellent presentation, clearly explained the topic.
  • Very good reminder and encouragement to do things better when it comes to security.
  • Useful info and worth highlighting regularly And was highlighted during the talk that database security is important but is part of a bigger security picture There are tasks the DBA can do but the design and configuration of the App is paramount Useful

OUG Ireland 2017

  • Excellent Presenter
  • I want him to present Dev stuff
  • Excellent! Needs more sessions
  • Excellent Presentations Very informative Thank you Tim.
  • Tim Hall is a great presenter. Give him more slots!

The “more slots” comments made me laugh. I think I get plenty of slots at conferences. Some would say more than my fair share. Maybe they were being sarcastic? 🙂

Once the head swelling had subsided, I noticed myself focusing on the, “I want him to present Dev stuff”, comment. I’ve always considered myself a DBA/Developer and most of my early presentations were on PL/SQL development. At some point over the last couple of years I’ve been doing a bit less of that and more DBA and/or infrastructure related presentations. I don’t think that was intentional, so I’m not sure how that happened. I guess the influence of my current job had something to do with that.

My intention is to get back to doing some development presentations, and there’s certainly a lot to talk about with regards to what’s been happening on the database and surrounding technologies recently.

So thank you to everyone that filled in evaluations, especially those that took the time to write a comment. I am listening to your feedback. I agree my slides are a bit crappy and I will try to do more development stuff again.

See you soon!



PS. I’m surprised nobody has said, “He always has a problem with his clicker/pointer!”, because I do. 🙂