Video : Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) : OAuth Implicit

In today’s video we look at the OAuth Implicit flow for Oracle REST Data Services.

This goes together with a previous video about first-party authentication here.

Both videos are based on parts of this article.

There are loads of other ORDS articles here.

The star of today’s video is Bob Rhubart, who amongst other things is the host of the Oracle Groundbreakers Podcast.



Video : Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) : OAuth Client Credentials Authorization

Today’s video is a zip through the OAuth Client Credentials Authorization flow in Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS).

For those of you that are afraid of videos, this is one of the authentication and authorization methods discussed in this article.

You can get more information about ORDS here.

The star of today’s video is Øyvind Isene, who is trying to act all cool about being in one of my videos, when in fact I’ve made all his dreams come true. 🙂

