The Da Vinci Code…


I’ve not yet seen anything positive about The Da Vinci Code film in the UK press. I saw a bunch of people leaving the premier in Paris saying it was awful, predictable and boring. One woman said it was the worst two and a half hours of her life. I all I can say is she must have had a pretty exciting life if that’s the worst she has had to endure!

With all the bad press and the fact that Tom Hanks gets on my nerves, I wasn’t really into the idea of going to see it, but I thought I ought to know something about it for reference sake, since everyone has been banging on about this story for a ages…

I went to see the film last night and I thought it was quite good. I don’t cope well with overly long films, but I coped OK, so it couldn’t have been too boring. It was a little predictable at times, but since most of the literate world seems to have read the book, that’s hardly a problem. Notice, I don’t count myself in that group 🙂

If you haven’t read the book, go and see it so you can nod politely while people spout rubbish about the factual accuracies/inaccuracies of the story. Maybe seed the conversation with controversial statements like, “I think it’s totally blasphemous!”, or “It’s an accurate account of history!”, then sit back and watch as people have the vapors… It’s like trying to teach evolution in America 😉



PS. XMen 3 next week.

Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

9 thoughts on “The Da Vinci Code…”

  1. “PS. XMen 3 next week.”

    NOW, you’re tawkin’!!!!

    Still have to see the movie. Read the book, of course: quite an interesting story, if hard to believe in places.

    But it questions a lot of dogma and that IMHO is good. Religion should not just be about blind faith.

  2. I always think, if you beliefs can’t stand up to questioning, they you should have those beliefs 😉

    I can’t believe people have made such a fuss about it. Even the author has stated it’s a work of fiction.



  3. Two things, surely religion is purely about blind faith?!?! Thats a can of worms!!

    Secondly, yes Dan Brown said its a work of fiction but… he made a series of rather pompous statements at the beginning of his book, claiming certain aspects (e.g. priory of sion was real) were true, when quite simply they weren’t. It throws a dark light over the catholic church which is the cause of the outrage. Can you imagine if the story was entangled in Islam instead? dan brown would have a price on his head. Religion is a curious thing…

    I still think its a great story, but then I am an atheist!!


  4. Of course, anything deemed offensive to Christ is offensive to Islam, because I believe Christ is considered a prophet in Islam. Don’t quote me on that, I’m no expert, but I’m sure someone will correct me if I’ve got that one wrong 🙂



  5. Just found this quote from the book “Christ in Islam”,

    “We Muslims believe, that Jesus was one of the mightiest messengers of God that he was the Christ, that he was born miraculously without any male intervention (which many modern-day Christians do not believe today), that he gave life to the dead by God’s permission and that he healed those born blind and the lepers by god’s permission. In fact, no Muslim is a Muslim if he or she does not believe in Jesus!”

    Of course, I got it from the internet 🙂



  6. Well, you learn something new every day!! Read somewhere Tom Hanks has had to hire bodyguards… utterly ridiculous.


  7. Hi,
    moslems do not believe that he is the *son* of god! They know if this would be true Jesus had the same authority then allah;

  8. I guess that’s why the quote above says, “Jesus was one of the mightiest messengers of God”, rather than the son of God.

    Regardless of your own beliefs, I think it’s important to have an understanding of other faiths. It puts your own beliefs into context and gives you an understanding of other peoples mindsets.

    I guess your average scaremonger journalist would choose to ignore quotes such as this, in favour of more radical statements from fundamental minorities, thus perpetuating harmful stereotypes.



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