Oracle OpenWorld and famous namesake…


One of the perks of being an Oracle ACE is getting a free pass to Oracle OpenWorld in October. Fun, fun, fun! See you in San Francisco 🙂

I noticed today that there is a famous Tim Hall from Shropshire (my original county), seen here. I must outdo him by blogging from space, or something like that 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

3 thoughts on “Oracle OpenWorld and famous namesake…”

  1. Hi Tim

    I’ll be going as well. What I normally do is book a “flight and hotel” deal using Expedia,
    and fly from Heathrow on the Saturday morning. If you want, we could make sure we book the
    same hotel (I usually go for one that’s reasonably cheap, as I’m paying) so we could meet up
    occaisionally. I’ll let Andrew Clarke know as well, I think he might be going over as well.



  2. Hi Mark

    That sounds like a good idea. I’m an OpenWorld virgin, so it would be good to have someone who’s OpenWorldly wise 🙂

    I’m probably going to stay on a while and make a holiday of it, but the plan is not fixed in my head yet. I’m self financing also, so cheap is good 🙂

    When are you likely to start thinking about booking?



  3. Tim,

    I’ll probably think about booking it at the end of June (payday). I’ll drop you an email
    nearer the time (let me know your email address, drop me an email on and
    let you know where I’m thinking of booking.



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