Cowboys & Aliens…


I’ve got a late flight home, which always presents a bit of a problem as the hotel checkout means you are hanging around with no base for most of the day. As a result I decided to go to see Cowboys & Aliens.

Let me start by saying I got 1.5 hours of sleep last night so I am insanely tired…

The film seemed OK, but I did find myself nodding off at times. I woke with a start a few times. A couple of times it was audience screams/shouts and a couple of times it was audience laughs that brought me back to the land of the living. I did see the vast majority of the film and I thought it was OK, but I really need to see it again to make any reasonable judgement on it. The feedback from the crowd would suggest the bits I missed were quite good. 🙂

I’m now at the airport about 3 hours early for a domestic flight from Canberra to Sydney before my proper journey begins. I think I’m going to lie on the floor somewhere and try not to swallow my tongue… 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

One thought on “Cowboys & Aliens…”

  1. Many years ago, Canberra airport had a sign outside the front door that asked the last person out to turn the lights off and lock the door! I did it a few times… 🙂
    Things have changed now, they even have space for folks to lie down for a while and rest!
    Going to watch that movie tomorrow.

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