Nexus 4 : Crappy Design…


I had a HTC Wildfire for 2 years without any problems. Now, 2 days after posting about getting a Nexus 4, the glass on the back panel is broken. I hadn’t even taken off the protective sheets yet.

The design of this back panel is a complete pile of shit! Why would you possible want to put unnecessary glass on a mobile device? It’s asking for trouble. It seems I’m not the only one, as seen here and here.

I’m not sure what to do now. I guess I better contact Google and see how I can get it repaired, or cover my hands in plasters to prevent the little shards of glass it is dropping from slicing my fingers to pieces.

What a total pile of crap! LG, you have failed. Google, you have failed.

The moral of this story is one of the following:

  • If you want a Nexus 4, keep it at home in a presentation case or it will break like a crappy piece of shit.
  • If you want a Nexus 4 and feel like taking it out of the house, make sure you wrap it up in cushions and pillows or one of those nasty-ass bumpers that make it look damn ugly, but less breakable.
  • Don’t get a Nexus 4, get a Samsung S3.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

4 thoughts on “Nexus 4 : Crappy Design…”

  1. Hi Tim,

    I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve ordered Nexus 4 few weeks ago and expect it to arrive these days. Still, I hope there will be some replacement and workaround for this problem as you are not the only one suffering from this.

    Anyway, look on the positive side – it has wireless charging technology and NFC. Also you could put some iPhone or Samsung logo on the back of the phone 😉

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, see you soon 🙂


  2. Oops, that’s so not cool! I have a GS3 as my primary phone and I was so looking forward to have Nexus4 but now, I guess I shall just keep my old HTC and won’t replace it. Not a good thing for LG, Google if the glass is getting broken so easily of their flagship product! May be ASUS should make their next phone 🙂 .

    Wishing you a very happy and prosperous 2013 🙂 .

  3. Oddly enough, I have the Nexus 7 and its design is excellent. Build quality is tremendous.

    Not a big LG phone fan, to honest. Think Samsung do a better job.

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