A World View


I’ve mentioned this before, but I thought I would show something visual…

The majority of my readers come from the USA and India. Since they are in different time zones, it spreads the load throughout the day. When I wake up, India are dominant.


In the afternoon the USA come online, by which time Russia have given up, but there is still a hardcore of Indian’s going for it! 🙂


I haven’t posted an evening shot as it’s the same as the afternoon one. Don’t you folks in India ever sleep?

I’m sure this is exactly the same with all other technology-related websites, but it does make me pause for thought occasionally. Most aspects of our lives are so localised, like traffic on the journey to work or family issues. It’s interesting to stop and look occasionally at the sort of reach this internet thing has given us. It may be a little rash, but I predict this interwebs thing might just catch on!



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

9 thoughts on “A World View”

  1. It’s 2:41 am here in mumbai. And I am reading your blog. Well you can say , Indians don’t sleep 😉

  2. Hi Tim 🙂
    When did you come to know this,”The harder I work, the luckier I get.”
    Samuel Goldwyn”
    and put it here
    I remember it since 2010 !
    Someone said, “Dreams are not achieved by sleeping and dreaming, but waking up”.
    No traffic from Germany? 🙂 !
    Thanks and Cheers,

  3. Praveen: I heard the quote as a kid and liked it, but didn’t really know how true it was until I was an adult. 🙂

    I guess those Germans can’t get out of bet in the morning. 🙂



  4. AS Brian says, one reason for our apparent insomnia is the fact that many of us work for US clients which means that we are online for a large part of the US working hours. And when work is slow, what better way to make use of the time than to read the Oracle-Base blog 🙂

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