Oracle OpenWorld and Code One 2019 : It’s a Wrap!


OpenWorld and Code One 2019 are over, and here are a few thoughts…

The tech side of things was based almost exclusively at Moscone South this year. No walking around to different buildings and hotels. In part that was due to the Moscone rebuild, making it a much larger venue now, but I suspect the numbers were down a lot on previous years. It’s hard to know as wider corridors mean you are less packed in, so maybe it was an optical illusion…

The conference felt more like a tech event this year, and less like a marketing event. OpenWorld and Code One were a lot more joined up, and I would suggest this year it was actually a single conference. I’m sure the split branding will remain for political reasons, but it would make life a lot easier if it were one event with one session catalog.

The new branding for Oracle was interesting. I said in a previous post I liked it. Much softer than the old red stuff. Let’s see how people react to it, and let’s see if the company actually changes to be more customer focused. I wrote a post called Oracle: Tech Company or Service Company? a few years ago. Maybe Oracle are now catching up? We’ll see.

The VMware announcement was interesting. I expressed my opinion on this here. I just hope this isn’t short-lived and I hope sense prevails. Oracle need to build bridges now. It’s still possible. Remember when everybody hated Microsoft?

Obviously Oracle continued to push Cloud and the Autonomous brand, including the new Autonomous Linux and Autonomous JSON. If you’ve used SODA, you know what’s going on with Autonomous JSON. From my perspective, keep the autonomous services coming. The more automated the mundane stuff becomes, the better!

The continued involvement in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is interesting. The work on OLCNE I mentioned in a previous post is looking very useful.

For many database people, the big news items were:

  • 3 PDBs in 19c and desupport of non-CDB in 20c (discussed here)
  • Free Tier : At last, something more than the 30 second free trial. I hope people make use of this and give plenty of feedback to Oracle!

Overall, it was a cool, fun, weird, stressful, tiring week. Part of me thinks this might be my last OpenWorld, but I said that after my first one, and I’ve now been to 14…

The posts I put out during the event were as follows.

Thanks to the Oracle ACE Program and the Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassadors Program for allowing me to come and play. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.