WordPress 2.3.2…

Here’s what the dashboard says about the latest patch:

WordPress 2.3.2

WordPress 2.3.2 is an urgent security release that fixes a bug that can be used to expose your draft posts. 2.3.2 also suppresses some error messages that can give away information about your database table structure and limits and stops some information leaks in the XML-RPC and APP implementations.

If you’re reading this my upgrade must have gone OK. 🙂



I Am Legend…

Not me personally…

I went to see I Am Legend today. It wasn’t the worst film I’ve ever seen, but I did catch myself thinking it was a really long 1 hour 40 minutes! There were lots of great scenes of a completely deserted New York, but that was about the best of it. I think the most annoying thing about the film is it didn’t really go anywhere. It just sort-of meandered. I still think the trailer looks cool! 🙂



Windows Process Explorer…

I’m not a big time user of Windows servers, so I often find myself having to rediscover things when I’m forced back on to that platform. An example of this came up today when a colleague of mine was trying to find out which process was locking a particular file on a Windows server.

While Googling for the Windows equivalent of “fuser” I came across the Process Explorer utility from Microsoft. Having found it I remembered that I used a previous version of it for much the same purpose some years ago. A couple of clicks on the menu, “Find > Find Handle or DLL…”, and Bob’s your uncle!

It’s worth a gander if your using Windows and you don’t already use it.



Quick Life Update… Update…

Thanks to everyone who posted comments on the previous post. Just to let you know, the funeral happened late last week. The day went by the numbers, which was a relief.

I guess my immediate family would say they were not religious, but my dad converted to Islam some time ago. This presented us with a few stumbling blocks in as much as we had a Muslim burial to organize and we didn’t have a clue what we had to do. Luckily my dad’s local Mosque were really cool about the situation and explained the whole process. The combination of that and a really good funeral director made what could have been a very complicated day quite simple.

So a big thank you to everyone involved in the process!

I was hoping things would start returning to normal now, but I hadn’t accounted for the volume of legal rubbish you have to do when someone dies. It’s going to take weeks/months to get everything tied up. As a result, my return to large-scale random blogging and 11g articles may be delayed somewhat…




I’ve just come off the back of a really busy weekend, so on Sunday night I decided to go and veg out at the cinema. There was nothing on that I fancied, so I went to see Hitman. Being based on a game, my expectations were really low, but I really enjoyed it. There are lots of bits of the film that don’t stand up to close scrutiny, but if you just let it wash over you it’s quite a neat action film.

Some time ago I saw the first trailer for I am Legend and thought it looked like a waste of time. The trailer I saw yesterday looked brilliant. I’m sure Will Smith will manage to ruin it somehow, but I’m definitely going to see it.



Forum and Blog Downtime…

A few weeks ago my hosting company (Fasthosts) sent out a security alert asking everyone to change there FTP, email and database passwords due to some security issue. I did as instructed and set a new strong password for all features of my account.

This morning I had an email telling me they had reset any passwords that were not changed after the last security alert. When I logged on to my site the forum and blog were dead. It turns out they reset my database password, even though I had already changed it. 🙁 It’s all sorted now.

A word of advice to any hosting companies reading, check your bloody facts before you mess with peoples sites or you’re really going to piss them off!



Update: It seems I’m not the only one who had passwords reset even though I followed the original security email:

Fasthost Hack Update