And there’s more…

And sure enough, this Ankit guy is stealing from others also. Look at this site:

Now look at this bit of

Also, here are some PDF documents from

You will also find alot of them here:

I’ve written to both the hosting company and the original authors of this material, so hopefully this will get removed soon.




Despite what the internet will tell you, the term “Mash-Up” is an expression that means, damaged, mangled, or an assortment of expletives used in context to mean knackered…

Last night at Karate I kicked a guys elbow and “my ankle is mash-up”. I usually bruise about a week after an incident, but this one came out the same evening. Last night I lay on my bed with an icepack on my ankle while the dull ache made me feel sick. Today it feels a bit dodgy when I walk and it wasn’t too good when I was swimming.

I’m on a Karate course all next week, so I hope it is a little better by Monday.



PS. If the wish-fairy is listening, please can you fix my ankle, the knuckles on my right hand, my left forearm, my left knee and give me Β£60 billion. Thankyou! πŸ™‚

More Plagiarism (Update) and Stuff…

OK. The Hosting company for has suspended the service. I’m glad to see the guys there are on the case. Although the DNS servers and the “abuse” email addresses were different for both domains, I think the hosting company may actually be the same… Anyway, thanks very much for doing your job. You know who you are…

I’ve upgraded the blog to WordPress 2.0.4 this morning. Please give me a shout if you notice anything wrong. I think I’ve covered all the bases, but you never know πŸ™‚

It seems Howard Rogers is having some trouble with his site, although as I write, there seems to be some signs of life again. I hope everything gets resolved soon.



More Plagiarism…

It turns out this guy, Ankit Patel, has a mirror site Does it look kinda familiar?

He’s written a couple of things on, claiming to be an employee of Deutsche Bank. I’ve written to both the hosting company and the provider of domain about this issue. Hopefully it will get removed soon. In addition I dropped a line to Deutsche Bank telling them what’s going on. If he really does work for them, I thought they should know of his criminal dealings.

What really cracks me up is he appears to have done the same PhD as me according to this site (here). I wonder if he was in the same Lab as me πŸ™‚


Update:Β  The host for this second domain has just contacted me to say they are looking into it. I’m hoping for a speedy resolution.

Back to normality…

I’ve been teaching some Yoga classes for a friend while he’s been away, and last night I taught the final two classes. Hopefully, life can switch back from insanely busy to just regular busy. That is, until the weekend, when I go on a one week Karate course. I’ve got to do what I’m told for a whole week. That’ll be a first πŸ™‚



Plagiarism in the largest possible way… (Part 2)

You’ll know from a previous postΒ that my whole website was ripped by someone. It now looks as though his hosting company has done the right thing and withdrawn his whole site as a result of my complaint. For anyone who suffers a similar issue, here’s what you need to do to try and resolve the issue.

  • Contact the person who ripped the site and ask them to remove it. There’s no point getting nasty if it was an “honest” mistake. You can use DNS Stuff to locate the owner of the domain and get their contact details.
  • If that doesn’t help, the WhoIs information from DNS Stuff will tell you the names of the DNS servers used by the site. Usually, these DNS names relate to the hosting provider. You can look them up and find their “abuse” contact. You can then report the issue directly to their hosting company. When you do this you have to provide certain information. I’ll get back to this later.
  • If that fails, you can always find the owner of the IP address, which may not be the hosting company, and you can report the incident to them.
  • If the site has any advertising you can contact the relevant companies (Amazon, Google etc.) and inform them of the issue. Their Ts&Cs usually state that such acts will result in the accounts being suspended.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) sets guidelines for what information must be presented to a service provider in such cases. If you do not provide all the information, worded in a similar fashion to the original document, they are within their rights to ignore your complaint. As a result, it’s worth sticking pretty rigidly to the recommended format.

Hopefully, you won’t need this information! πŸ™‚



Plagiarism in the largest possible way…

Take a look at this:

You’ll notice that this a complete copy of my website. Pratically the only thing that has changed is the articles now say, ” Hope this helps. Regards Ankit…”, rather than, ” Hope this helps. Regards Tim…”. This is totally unbelievable! He’s even used my home page:

I’ve written an email to the guy in question telling him to remove this stuff immediately.

If anyone out the would like to voice heir opinion on this matter I suggest you email him at

This is unbelievable!


Update: I’ve contacted the guys service provider, detailing the copyright infringement. Let’s see if they stick to their copyright infringement policy and remove this stuff!

Update2: I’ve sent a few more emails based on some suggestions in the comments for this post. Google Adsense are now investigating the violation of their Ts&Cs. Hopefully, this guy will have his Adsense account closed. In addition to his hosting company, I’ve contacted the owner of his IP address detailing the issue. This company claims to take these matters seriously, so let’s see what happens…

Just past the half-way point…

I mentioned in a previous post, I’m teaching a friends Yoga classes while he’s in India. Well, I’ve just past the half-way point now. I like teaching the classes, but it does make my days rather chaotic. Yesterday was totally mad. It went something like:

  • Wake up.
  • Do a light warmup followed by some leg swings (dynamic, not ballistic). I’m trying to improve my dynamic flexibility. πŸ™‚
  • In work about 30 minutes early.
  • Swim a lunchtime.
  • Left work on time.
  • Out for a short run (about 3 miles) in an attempt to make up for missing Karate, followed by a quick stretch.
  • Off to the sports center to teach two Yoga classes (one Hatha and one Ashtanga).
  • Back home to bed.

It’s like I’m constantly chasing my tail at the moment. I’m going on a week long Karate course at the start of August. It’s going to seem like a holiday compared to recent weeks! πŸ™‚



Low Turnout…

It’s been really hot the last couple of days and last night I had to teach two Yoga classes for a friend who is on holiday. The first class had two people in it, and the second had four people. πŸ™‚ I guess most people couldn’t stand the thought of doing anything in the heat. The classes went well, but I would rather have gone to Karate πŸ™‚

