Joel Kallman Day 2023 : Announcement

Since 2016 we’ve had an Oracle community day where we push out content on the same day to try and get a bit of a community buzz. The name has changed over the years, but in 2021 it was renamed to the “Joel Kallman Day”. Joel was big on community, and it seems like a fitting tribute to him.

When is it?

The date is Wednesday October 11th. That’s just over a week away from today!

How do I get involved?

Here is the way it works.

  • Write a blog post. The title should be in the format “<insert-the-title-here> #JoelKallmanDay“.
  • The content can be pretty much anything. See the section below.
  • Tweet/X out the blog post using the hashtag #JoelKallmanDay.
  • Publishing the posts on the same day allows us to generate a buzz. In previous years loads of people were on twitter retweeting, making it even bigger. The community is spread around the world, so the posts will be released over a 24 hour period.
  • Oracle employees are welcome to join in. This is a community day about anything to do with the Oracle community.

Like previous years, it would be really nice if we could get a bunch of first-timers involved, but it’s also an opportunity to see existing folks blog for the first time in ages! 

The following day I write a summary post that includes links to all the posts that were pushed out through the day. You can see examples here.

What Should I Write About?

Whatever you want to write about. Here are some suggestions that might help you.

  • My favourite feature of {the Oracle-related tech you work on}.
  • What is the next thing on your list to learn.
  • Horror stories. My biggest screw up, and how I fixed it.
  • How the cloud has affected my job.
  • What I get out of the Oracle Community.
  • What feature I would love to see added to {the Oracle-related tech you work on}.
  • The project I worked on that I’m the most proud of. (Related to Oracle tech of course)

It’s not limited to these. You can literally write about anything Oracle-related. The posts can be short, which makes it easy for new people to get involved. If you do want to write about something technical, that’s fine. You can also write a simple overview post and link to more detailed posts on a subject if you like. In the previous years the posts I enjoyed the most were those that showed the human side of things, but that’s just me. Do whatever you like. 

Do I have to write in English?

No! It’s great to see people contributing to their own community. Google Translate does a pretty good job of translating them, so we can still read them.

Do I need to write about Joel or APEX?

I’m sure people would be happy to read stories about Joel, or content about APEX, but you don’t have to write about that. You can write about whatever you want, so long as it has an Oracle and/or community spin…

So you have a little over a week to get something ready!



Joel Kallman Day 2022 : It’s a Wrap! (#JoelKallmanDay)

Yesterday was an Oracle community day called the Joel Kallman Day (#JoelKallmanDay) 2022.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to join in. Here is the list of posts I saw in chronological order. If I missed you out, give me a shout and I’ll add you. 

Thanks to everyone who got involved with blog posts, tweets and retweets. It’s always fun to see what people come up with on this day. It’s also good to see people making contributions in their own language too. It’s easy for us to forget that people out there are doing good work for the community in their primary language!

A few people mentioned Joel specifically, and included some pictures, which was both nice and sad at the same time.

Thanks again, and remember you’ve got a year to get ready for the 2023 event! 🙂



Understand the history of your subject matter #JoelKallmanDay

When dealing with mature environments it’s not good enough to only understand what the current trend or “best practice” is. We also have to understand the history of the environment, and the technology stack we are using, as that will help inform us about why decisions were made they way they were. Let’s look at a few examples…

DECODE and CASE Expressions

CASE expressions were first released in Oracle 8i (1998), with the CASE statement added to PL/SQL in Oracle 9i (2001). You can read more about them here. Prior to that if we wanted something similar to a CASE expression in our SQL, we had to use the DECODE function. Here’s some examples so you can see what they look like.

# Value Match CASE Expression
select case id
         when 1 then 'Banana',
         when 2 then 'Apple',
         when 3 then 'Cherry'
         else 'Unknown'
       end as fruit
from   t1;

# Searched CASE Expression
select case
         when id = 1 then 'Banana',
         when id = 2 then 'Apple',
         when id = 3 then 'Cherry'
         else 'Unknown'
       end as fruit
from   t1;

# DECODE        
select decode (id,
               1, 'Banana', 
               2, 'Apple', 
               3, 'Cherry',
               'Unknown') as fruit
from   t1;

We all know it takes people years to introduce new syntax into their code, so we will probably have examples of code well into the 2000’s still using DECODE, even though CASE expressions are easier to read, far more flexible and part of the ANSI standard.

It may be hard for some of the younger crowd to believe, but there is code out there that has been running for a very long time. About 30 years worth of PL/SQL and about 40 years of SQL. When we are looking at the code base for a mature application, we may run into things that don’t look familiar. Languages and design patterns evolve, but we have to be capable of dealing with mature code.

ANSI Joins

ANSI joins were introduced in Oracle 9i (2001). You can read about them here, and here.

I know I’m going to get a lot of hate from the Oracle crowd for this, but ANSI joins are superior to the old-style Oracle joins, where the join conditions were in the WHERE clause, with a sprinkling of (+) symbols everywhere for outer joins. I’m sure the comments will try and defend them saying things like ANSI joins are just syntax candy, and that’s fine, but I still believe ANSI joins are superior…

The point is, even if we are writing new code using ANSI joins, we still have to be capable of understanding the old syntax, because we will run into a lot of code that still uses it, because it is historical code, or new code written by historical developers. 🙂

One True Lookup Table (OTLT)

The One True Lookup Table design pattern, or rather anti-pattern, is one of those disasters that managed to work it’s way into loads of systems. There was a period when many of us were using Oracle Designer/2000 as a central repository for our ERD and physical modelling, and Designer encouraged the One True Lookup Table anti-pattern. It used to generate a number of tables, one of which was called CG_REF_CODES. This was essentially a dumping ground for name-value pairs, which grew to encompass almost all reference type data. Many people brought up on this design approach continued to use it in other projects, even when they were not using Designer anymore. I can think of one popular student system that makes heavy use of this anti-pattern. 🙁

OTLT has always been a terrible idea. I’ve been guilty of using it too, but it has always been a nightmare. If you have a system that has SQL statements that do 20 different joins to the same table, you have probably encountered the OTLT anti-pattern. You have to understand how to deal with it, and treat it as a learning experience of what not to do!

You will look at it and think the people who designed it must have been crazy, but you have to remember this is what the tools were encouraging us to do back then. If someone worked as a database designer/modeller (they used to exist), they might never actually write code, so they would not see what a disaster this design pattern was, and never learn not to do it again.


I always encourage people to stay up to date with technology. It’s important we keep progressing, but that doesn’t mean we can afford to forget the past. Not every system we work on is brand new, using all the latest tech and doing things using the latest approach. To be useful, we need to be able to work with both the old and the new.

Also, not everything new is good. There are plenty of examples of an “old” approach to solving a problem being superior to the new “cool” approach. It’s important we sample all of them and pick the right tool/approach for the job.



Joel Kallman Day : It’s a Wrap (#JoelKallmanDay)

Yesterday was an Oracle community day called the Joel Kallman Day (#JoelKallmanDay) 2021.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to join in. Here is the list of posts I saw in chronological order. If I missed you out, give me a shout and I’ll add you. 🙂

There are a few non-English posts in there, which I always like to see. You can Google Translate them to check them out. The community is not all about English speakers.

In addition to the blog posts there were tweets and a bunch of people joining in to retweet, which makes the day have more impact. You can see what happened on Twitter here. Thanks everyone for getting involved and see you next year for #JoelKallmanDay 2022!



My APEX History #JoelKallmanDay

For my entry in the Joel Kallman Day (#JoelKallmanDay) I thought I would run through my history of using Oracle Application Express (APEX).

I was aware of Web DB, but I never used it. I have this vague memory of taking a look at it, but that was all.

I remember Tom Kyte mentioning Flows and later Project Marvel, and being a Tom Kyte fanboy it sparked my interest. At that point the tool felt kind-of awkward to use, and since I had no pressing need for it, it got relegated to an idle curiosity for me. I would have a play, then ignore it for months. I kept my eye on it during the HTML DB and early APEX days, but it was still not something I used regularly. Typically what would happen is I would need to do something, I would “re-learn” APEX to do it, finish that task, then forget about it for months. The next time I needed APEX, it would often be a new version, so I would “re-learn” it again…

In 2009 I went to ODTUG in Monterey, and there was an APEX symposium as part of the conference, so I made it my mission to pick APEX sessions as much as possible. It was good to connect with some of the folks in the APEX community. Even back then it was one of the most dynamic Oracle communities. I knew a few of the folks already through meeting at other conferences, but it was fun to immerse myself in APEX for a while.

After that conference I slipped back into the habit of re-learn it, forget it, relearn it. I was constantly aware of it, and able to do relatively simple developments, but I never focused on it long enough to get good. Remember, my job didn’t involve that type of development, so it was hard to spend too much time on it.

Since joining my current company in 2012 I’ve used APEX a lot more. It started off with me writing little PL/SQL utilities for people and giving them a front end using APEX. Things like reports on interface staging tables, screens to manage database users and some simple CRUD apps. At that point APEX was kind-of underground in the company. There was only really me using it. As time went on I kept pushing it and gradually it started to pick up some momentum. We now have a few people that do APEX development as part of their role. At this point I’m relegated to managing the infrastructure behind it, and problem solving when people hit an issue. I’ve seen and heard so much over the years that it’s often easier for me to solve certain problems. Also, I know a lot of good people who can help. 🙂

I have this joke that I’ve got more than 15 years “experience” of APEX, but I’m the worlds worst APEX developer. Despite that, I know enough to know APEX is probably the most productive way to develop applications against an Oracle database. The “Low Code” nature of it is great for people with less experience of database development, but it’s also a great way to make skilled developers super productive!

I’ve written a small number of articles about APEX over the years, as well as some surrounding technologues.

So there you have it. My life as the worlds worst APEX developer on the planet. 🙂



Joel Kallman Day : Announcement

Since 2016 we’ve had an Oracle community day where we push out content on the same day to try and get a bit of a community buzz. The name has changed over the years, but after speaking to some folks at Oracle I decided to rename it permanently to the “Joel Kallman Day”. Joel was big on community, and it seems like a fitting tribute to him.

When is it?

The date is Monday October 11th. That’s a week from today!

How do I get involved?

Here is the way it works.

  • Write a blog post. The title should be in the format “<insert-the-title-here> #JoelKallmanDay“.
  • The content can be pretty much anything. See the section below.
  • Tweet out the blog post using the hashtag #JoelKallmanDay.
  • Publishing the posts on the same day allows us to generate a buzz. In previous years loads of people were on twitter retweeting, making it even bigger. The community is spread around the world, so the posts will be released over a 24 hour period.
  • Oracle employees are welcome to join in. This is a community day about anything to do with the Oracle community.

Like previous years, it would be really nice if we could get a bunch of first-timers involved, but it’s also an opportunity to see existing folks blog for the first time in ages! 

The following day I write a summary post that includes links to all the posts that were pushed out through the day. You can see examples here.

What Should I Write About?

Whatever you want to write about. Here are some suggestions that might help you.

  • My favourite feature of {the Oracle-related tech you work on}.
  • What is the next thing on your list to learn.
  • Horror stories. My biggest screw up, and how I fixed it.
  • How the cloud has affected my job.
  • What I get out of the Oracle Community.
  • What feature I would love to see added to {the Oracle-related tech you work on}.
  • The project I worked on that I’m the most proud of. (Related to Oracle tech of course)

It’s not limited to these. You can literally write about anything Oracle-related. The posts can be short, which makes it easy for new people to get involved. If you do want to write about something technical, that’s fine. You can also write a simple overview post and link to more detailed posts on a subject if you like. In the previous years the posts I enjoyed the most were those that showed the human side of things, but that’s just me. Do whatever you like. 

So you have a week to get something ready!

