Looks like MobaXTerm 11.1 was released about a week ago. I upgraded at work soon after release, but I just noticed I hadn’t upgraded at home, and I hadn’t mentioned it on the blog. 🙂
The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.
If you are using a Windows PC or laptop and you spend a lot of the time using SSH, this is a great tool!
Hie Tim
Jeff told me that you were able to use SQLcl 18.4 Tab Completion features without any issue on MobaXterm. (https://www.thatjeffsmith.com/ask-a-question/)
Are there any specific requirements to enable sqlcl tab completion features work since facing same issue as in community link https://community.oracle.com/thread/4085611 ?
These are the only features not working on my configuration so I believe there are specific requirements from cygwin standpoint.
Thanks by advance
No. It just works. I know MobaXterm is based on the Cygwin and Putty code base, but I didn’t have any problems.
What version of the OS and DB are you using. Maybe I can make mine break. 🙂